Joint BSBI Recorders: Dave Wood and Mark Woods
Send your records to: Mr D Wood (BSBI).
78, Alford Road
NG12 4AU
Mark Woods;
7 Coppice Close
NG15 6HA
Where none of the above helps with the status in Notts, I have abstracted data from the Online Atlas of British & Irish Flora which at least elucidates the habitat types and this is contained in parentheses. Consult this website for a clearer picture of distribution.
In general the data refers to Nottinghamshire because my botanical knowledge prevents me from making it prescriptive to Rushcliffe, though locations (where given) are mostly in Rushcliffe.
I am not qualified to compile a county flora and I have not attempted to do anything more than draw together existing data. I have done it as much for my own benefit as anyone elses because I wanted a starting point to take my interest in botany to a higher level. I hope others will find it useful for this purpose too.
For an insight into the influence of the geology of the county influences the distribution of the flora, see Howitt & Howitt or The Nottinghamshire Rare Plants Register where the map of superficial deposits greatly clarifies the simplified concept of the four divisions - especially in Div IV.
Nat = Native; Arc = Archaeotype; Neo = Neophyte; Cas = Casual;
To find the plant you are interested in, use CTRL + F on a desktop and on android mobiles, long-press the menu button then select 'find in page'.
Origin | Common Name | Scientific Name | Status in Nottinghamshire |
Lycopodiaceae - Clubmoss Family | |||
Nat | Stagshorn Clubmoss | Lycopodium clavatum | Heaths. Now v rare. Div II. (H&H). Nr Ollerton in 1990's |
Equisetaceae - Horsetail Family | |||
Nat | Field Horsetail | Equisetum arvense | Arable land, wet meadows, waste ground. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Water Horsetail | Equisetum fluviatile | Rivers, canals & other still waters. Common. All divs (H&H) |
Nat | Marsh Horsetail | Equisetum palustre | Marshes & bogs. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Wood Horsetail | Equisetum sylvaticum | Woods & shady places, chiefly on the coal measures. Often in large quantity. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Great Horsetail | Equisetum telmateia | Wet woodland & meadows, often around springs. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H). 3x1km squares in Rushcliffe |
Neo | Variegated Horsetail | Equisetum variegatum | (Habitats include dune-slacks, river shingle, upland flushes and stony loch-shores. It is a calcicole). |
Nat | E. fluviatile x arvense | Equisetum x litorale | (Recorded from open woodland and scrub, pond and lake margins, streams and rivers, canals, ditches, roadsides, open peat on moorland, wet pastures and gravel-pits) |
Adiantaceae - Ferns | |||
Neo | Maidenhair Fern | Adiantum capillus-veneris | (Inland records in sheltered warm sites, such as damp mortared walls, railway sidings and canal locks, arise from spores derived from cultivated plants.) |
Aspleniaceae - Ferns | |||
Nat | Black Spleenwort | Asplenium adiantum-nigrum | Walls, rocks. Less common than A. trichomanes. All divs. (H&H). 4x1km squares in Rushcliffe |
Nat | Wall-rue | Asplenium ruta-muraria | Walls, railway bridges, rocks. The commonest of the three Aspleniaceae. (H&H). In Rushcliffe, known from around Zouch and east of Radcliffe on Trent |
Nat | Maidenhair Spleenwort | Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens | Old walls & railway bridges.. Local. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). 4x1km squares in Rushcliffe. |
Nat | Rustyback | Ceterach officinarum | Walls. Rare. Divs II & III. (H&H). In Rushcliffe, only known from a railway viaduct wall at Stanford on Soar (NRPR) |
Athyriaceae - Ferns | |||
Nat | Lady Fern | Athyrium filix-femina | Damp woods esp around springs & streams. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Brittle Bladder Fern | Cystopteris fragilis | Limestone rocks & old walls.. V rare. Divs I & II. (H&H) |
Cas | Sensitive Fern | Onoclea sensibilis | (Found in wet woodland, marshy meadows and on lake and river margins. Some colonies are a considerable distance from habitation). |
Blechnaceae - Ferns | |||
Nat | Hard Fern | Blechnum spicant | Damp acid heathland & woods. Rare & decreasing. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Dryopteridaceae - Ferns | |||
Nat | Scaly Male Fern | Dryopteris affinis | Woods. In most woods in divs I & II but not v abundant. (H&H). 12x1km squares in Rushcliffe |
Nat | Narrow Buckler Fern | Dryopteris carthusiana | Wet woods. Freq except in IV. All divs (H&H) |
Nat | Broad Buckler Fern | Dryopteris dilatata | Woods, hedges, walls. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW). 24x1km squares across Rushcliffe. |
Nat | Male Fern | Dryopteris filix-mas | Woods, hedges, walls. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Limestone Oak Fern | Gymnocarpium robertianum | (Has become established as a garden escape on walls and culverts). Found in 1x1km square in Rushcliffe, near Tollerton. |
Nat | Hard Shield Fern | Polystichum aculeatum | Banks in woods, hedgebanks, dumbles. Widespread but seldom in quantity, All divs. (H&H). 4x1km squares in Rushcliffe. |
Nat | Soft Shield Fern | Polystichum setiferum | Damp woodland esp on the waterstones. Rather rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). 19x1km squares in Rushcliffe |
Nat | Polystichum aculeatum x setiferum | Polystichum x bicknellii | (A calcicole found in rocky woodlands, gorges, on stream banks and in disused quarries. Often associated with disturbed sites). |
Hypolepidaceae - Ferns | |||
Nat | Bracken | Pteridium aquilinum subsp. aquilinum | Woods, heaths, roadsides etc. on light soils. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW). 8x1km squares in Rushcliffe. |
Ophioglossaceae - Ferns | |||
Nat | Adderstongue | Ophioglossum vulgatum | Moist meadows & woodland rides. Still fairly freq, less so in div IV. (H&H). Wilwell Cutting. (NP) |
Osmundaceae - Ferns | |||
Nat | Royal Fern | Osmunda regalis | Bogs. V rare. All divs. (H&H) |
Polypodiaceae - Ferns | |||
Nat | Western Polypody | Polypodium interjectum | (Found in a wide range of habitats such as mortared stone walls, hedge banks and rock exposures). |
Nat | Common Polypody | Polypodium vulgare | Rocks, walls & sandy hedgebanks. Uncommon. All divs. (H&H). 1x1km squares in Rushcliffe (Green Line) |
Thelypteridaceae - Ferns | |||
Nat | Lemon-scented Fern | Oreopteris limbosperma | Moist woods on sand & waterstones. Rare. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Aspleniaceae - Ferns | |||
Nat | Hartstongue | Asplenium scolopendrium | Limestone woods, clay dumbles & walls. Widespread but never abundant except in div I. All divs. (H&H). 32x1km squares across Rushcliffe. |
Azollaceae - Ferns | |||
Neo | Water Fern | Azolla filiculoides | (A floating fern of canals, ditches, ponds and sheltered bays in lakes and rivers). |
Pinaceae - Pine Family | |||
Cas | Giant Fir | Abies grandis | (Plantations and estate woodland, and an ornamental in parks, estates and large gardens. Occasionally regenerates from self-sown seed). |
Cas | Atlas Cedar | Cedrus atlantica | (Found in parks and large gardens, but rarely regenerates from seed). |
Cas | Himalayan Cedar | Cedrus deodara | (Parks, gardens and churchyards. Occasionally regenerates from seed). |
Cas | Cedar of Lebanon | Cedrus libani | (Parks and gardens. Abundant seed often ripens, but natural regeneration is unknown). |
Cas | European Larch | Larix decidua | Planted for forestry. All divs. (H&H). (Plantations, shelter-belts and parkland.)4x1km squares in Rushcliffe |
Cas | Japanese Larch | Larix kaempferi | (Planted mainly as a forestry crop, but is also found in parks and large gardens. Regeneration from seed can be frequent.) |
Cas | L. decidua x kaempferi | Larix x marschlinsii | (Plantations and woodland. It is fertile and can back-cross with either parent, and regeneration from seed is frequent). |
Cas | Norway Spruce | Picea abies | (Plantations and shelter-belts. Natural regeneration occurs in open ground, in clear-felled areas and on heathland). |
Cas | Serbian Spruce | Picea omorika | (Used on a small scale for shelter belts and in plantations, and quite frequently planted in parks). |
Cas | Sitka Spruce | Picea sitchensis | (Plantations, especially on wetter ground). |
Cas | Lodgepole Pine | Pinus contorta | (Generally grown in more exposed and higher rainfall areas than P. sylvestris). |
Neo | Corsican Pine | Pinus nigra subsp. laricio | (Plantations, shelter-belts, parks, churchyards and large gardens, locally becoming naturalised on heaths and sand dunes. Subsp. laricio tolerates a wide range of soils). |
Neo | Austrian Pine | Pinus nigra subsp. nigra | Commonly planted esp in div II. Beginning to naturalise. (H&H) Less Common (DW) (Subsp. nigra prefers light soils. Regeneration from seed is frequent). |
Cas | Macedonian Pine | Pinus peuce | Occasionally grown in plantations and parks. It is very rare in gardens. Mostly upland. |
Neo | Scots Pine | Pinus sylvestris | Poss native in div II. Widespread & completely naturalised. Planted for forestry. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Bhutan Pine | Pinus wallichiana | (Frequently grown in parks and amenity areas. Tolerant of all but very shallow, calcareous soil. Regeneration from seed has been reported). |
Cas | Douglas Fir | Pseudotsuga menziesii | (Plantations and policy woodlands, parks and large gardens. Seed production in Britain is erratic, with long gaps between mast years, but natural regeneration occurs fairly widely). |
Cas | Western Hemlock | Tsuga heterophylla | Plantations and large gardens. Sometimes regenerates abundantly from seed, but saplings seldom reach maturity). |
Taxodiaceae - Redwood Family | |||
Cas | California Redwood | Sequoia sempervirens | (Large gardens and parks. It has not been observed to set seed in Britain but it can produce dense coppice growth when felled). |
Cas | Giant Redwood | Sequoiadendron giganteum | (Parks, estates and large gardens, sometimes planted as avenues, and as a specimen tree in lawns; found also in churchyards and occasionally as a roadside tree. It has not been observed to regenerate from seed in Britain). |
Cupressaceae - Cypress Family | |||
Cas | Lawson's Cypress | Chamaecyparis lawsoniana | (Parks, gardens, churchyards, and shelter-belts. Frequently regenerates from seed, and plants arise opportunistically on banks, walls and woodland margins). xCupressocyparis leylandii (the notorious fast-growing hedging tree) does not set viable seed. (NP) |
Cas | Western Red Cedar | Thuja plicata | (Parks, gardens and plantations, regenerating from seed freely when mature). |
Araucariaceae Family | |||
Cas | Monkey-puzzle Tree | Araucaria araucana | (Gardens and parks. Seed is abundantly produced, but the species very rarely regenerates in Britain). |
Taxaceae - Yew Family | |||
Nat | Yew | Taxus baccata | Woods, hedges & parkland. Formerly widely planted, now completely naturalised. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Aristolochiaceae - Birthwort Family | |||
Neo | Birthwort | Aristolochia clematitis | (Found as an escape or a relic of cultivation in waste and rough places, often by old abbeys or nunneries, and in churchyards, woods and on grassy banks). |
Nymphaeaceae - Water Lily Family | |||
Nat | Yellow Water Lily | Nuphar lutea | Pools, canals and slow streams. Common except Div II. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | White Water Lily | Nymphaea alba subsp. alba | Rivers and pools. Rare. All Divs. (H&H). Common but not as a native. (NRPR) |
Ceratophyllaceae - Hornwort Family | |||
Nat | Rigid Hornwort | Ceratophyllum demersum | Ponds, canals large drains. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Ranunculaceae - Buttercup Family | |||
Neo | Monkshood | Aconitum napellus | (Stream banks, damp, open woodland and sometimes in damp meadows, and as aliens on roadsides, waste ground and rubbish tips). |
Neo | Hybrid Monkshood | Aconitum x cammarum | (Damp places on a range of soils, usually in shaded sites or in tall vegetation. Habitats include damp roadsides and pastures, waste ground and moist woodland). |
Cas | Blue Anemone | Anemone apennina | (Woodland, open scrub, under park trees, in churchyards and near former habitations). |
Nat | Wood Anemone | Anemone nemorosa | Woods & shady meadows. C in I & III, less so in II & IV on peaty & drift soils. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Columbine | Aquilegia vulgaris | Limestone woodland. V rare native in div I. Garden escape elsewhere. (H&H) Only considered native at 4 Notts locations. (NRPR). A garden escape in Rushcliffe e.g. Bingham LP. (NP) |
Nat | Marsh Marigold | Caltha palustris | Bogs and marshy places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Rare in Rushcliffe and most are believed to be introduced (NP) |
Cas | Orange-peel Clematis | Clematis tangutica | (Waste ground, rubbish tips and quarries, and as a relic of cultivation). |
Nat | Traveller's Joy | Clematis vitalba | Not uncommon in I and III. (H&H). 7x1km squares in Rushcliffe. |
Cas | Larkspur | Consolida ajacis | (Waste ground, rubbish tips and in cultivated fields). |
Neo | Winter Aconite | Eranthis hyemalis | Freq garden escape and naturalised. All divs. Langar (H&H) |
Cas | Holly-leaved Hellebore | Helleborus argutifolius | (Rocks and in rocky grassland, and as a casual on hedge banks and waste ground). |
Neo | Stinking Hellebore | Helleborus foetidus | Ornamental grounds. Rare. Divs I & IV. (H&H). 8x1km squares in Rushcliffe. |
Nat | Green Hellebore | Helleborus viridis subsp. occidentalis | Limestone woodland. V rare native in div I. Garden escape elsewhere. Divs I & III |
Cas | Love-in-a-mist | Nigella damascena | Rubbish tips. (H&H) |
Nat | Meadow Buttercup | Ranunculus acris | Meadows etc. V Common. All Divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Common Water Crowfoot | Ranunculus aquatilis | Water Crowfoots are difficult and sometimes impossible to identify to species but this does seem to be the common one in ponds around Keyworth.(NP) |
Arc | Corn Buttercup | Ranunculus arvensis | Cornfields on strong clay. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H). Critically endangered and nationally rare, a population at Thorpe in the Glebe may no longer exist. (NRPR) |
Nat | Goldilocks Buttercup | Ranunculus auricomus | Woods & Hedges. Locally Freq. Willoughby, Widmerpool, Wysall (H&H) |
Nat | Brackish Water Crowfoot | Ranunculus baudotii | Not in Rushcliffe. (NP) |
Nat | Bulbous Buttercup | Ranunculus bulbosus | Meadows etc. V Common. All Divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Fan-leaved Water Crowfoot | Ranunculus circinatus | Deep still waters. Common in canals gravel pits etc. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Lesser Celandine | Ranunculus ficaria subsp. bulbilifer | Woods, hedges & meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H) Typically found in more disturbed habitats than subsp. ficaria. Common (DW) |
Nat | Lesser Celandine | Ranunculus ficaria subsp. ficaria | Woods, hedges & meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H). This subspecies occurs in less disturbed habitats than subsp. bulbilifer. Common (DW) |
Nat | Lesser Spearwort | Ranunculus flammula subsp. flammula | Marshes & bogs. Freq but rarer in IV. (H&H) |
Nat | River Water Crowfoot | Ranunculus fluitans | Deeper rivers & streams. Widespread. Less common than calcareus. (H&H) |
Nat | Ivy-leaved Crowfoot | Ranunculus hederaceus | Damp, sandy places. Rare except in Div II. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Greater Spearwort | Ranunculus lingua | (Fens and marshes, on ditch, canal and pond edges and in flooded gravel-pits and quarries). Not in Rushcliffe but recorded on Grantham Canal between Harby & Plungar(Leics.) (NP) |
Nat | Round-leaved Crowfoot | Ranunculus omiophyllus | (Margins of ponds and ditches, flushes, damp depressions, gateways and tracks in pastures and the sheltered backwaters of rivers. Confined to acidic, mesotrophic or oligotrophic soils). Not recorded in Rushcliffe (NP) |
Nat | Small-flowered Buttercup | Ranunculus parviflorus | Dry meadows. V. rare. Clifton Lane, Gotham Hill. (H&H). Scarce eg Gotham hills, Holme Pierrepont, Ratcliffe on Soar. (NRPR) |
Nat | Pond Water Crowfoot | Ranunculus peltatus | Ditches & ponds; frequent. All Divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Ranunculus penicillatus subsp. Pseudofluitans (=P. calcareus) | Shallower rivers & streams, Common Divs I, II, & III. (H&H) | |
Nat | Creeping Buttercup | Ranunculus repens | Damp grassland, waste ground etc. A Common weed. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Hairy Buttercup | Ranunculus sardous | Fields & Meadows. Rare. No modern records. Divs III & IV. Barnstone. (H&H). Scarce. Recorded as a casual at Bingham LP (may no longer be present) and in a field at Colston Bassett. (NRPR) |
Nat | Celery-leaved Buttercup | Ranunculus sceleratus | Pool sides and marshy places. Common. All Divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Thread-leaved Water Crowfoot | Ranunculus trichophyllus | Ditches & ponds; frequent. All Divs. Bunny Park, Trent Valley. F. crenatus Gluck Widmerpool. (H&H) |
Neo | Bastard Cabbage | Rapistrum rugosum subsp. linnaeanum | Dumps, wharfs & waste places. Uncommon. Div I, II & III (H&H) Absent from Rushcliffe? (NP) |
Nat | Common Meadow-rue | Thalictrum flavum | Damp meadows and woods. Freq in river valleys of I, II & III. Rare in IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Lesser Meadow-rue | Thalictrum minus | (Calcareous or other base-rich habitats where competition is low. It also occurs in other habitats, including churchyards, hedge banks and roadsides, as a garden escape). |
Berberidaceae - Berberis Family | |||
Cas | Berberis aggregata | (Naturalised on chalky banks, walls, hedgerows and in woods. Regeneration by seed has not been reported). | |
Neo | Darwin's Barberry | Berberis darwinii | (Woodland and scrub, on roadsides, hedge banks and walls, and as an occasional relic of cultivation). |
Cas | Thunberg's Barberry | Berberis thunbergii | (Woodland, on roadsides, railway banks and waste ground, and by footpaths. Reproduces by seed and is occasionally bird-sown. Can become abundant in suitable habitats). |
Neo | Barberry | Berberis vulgaris | Hedges. Widely distributed but uncommon. All divs. Clifton, Holme Pierrepont, Thorpe in the Glebe, Owthorpe, Wysall. (H&H) |
Cas | B. darwinii x empetrifolia | Berberis x stenophylla | (Commonly planted in parks and gardens, and occasionally found naturalised on roadsides and in hedges). |
Neo | Oregon Grape | Mahonia aquifolium | Widely planted for game cover. All divs. (H&H) |
Papaveraceae - Poppy Family | |||
Arc | Greater Celandine | Chelidonium majus | Road sides and hedge banks near houses. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | California Poppy | Eschscholzia californica | Freq as garden escape and on rubbish dumps. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | Yellow-horned Poppy | Glaucium flavum | (Shingle banks and stony beaches. The few inland records are of casual occurrences). |
Neo | Welsh Poppy | Meconopsis cambrica | (Grown in gardens and has become naturalised on hedge banks, walls, roadsides and waste ground). |
Arc | Prickly Poppy | Papaver argemone | Arable fields on light soils. Formerly locally frequent eg West Leake. (H&H) Occasional. 21 post-2000 monads. Holme Pierrepont is only Rushcliffe site. (NRPR) |
Cas | Atlantic Poppy | Papaver atlanticum | (Naturalised on walls, roadsides and waste ground.) |
Arc | Long-headed Poppy | Papaver dubium subsp. dubium | Arable fields, roadsides & waste places. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Yellow-juiced Poppy | Papaver lecoqii | Found only at Bingham LP but formerly in arable land around Thorpe in the Glebe, Owthorpe and Kinoulton. (NRPR) Found near Tythby and Hickling Pastures in 2016 (NP) | |
Cas | Oriental Poppy | Papaver pseudoorientale | |
Arc | Common (Field) Poppy | Papaver rhoeas | Arable fields, roadsides & waste places, Common. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Arc | Opium Poppy | Papaver somniferum | Rubbish tips. All Divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Yellow Corydalis | Pseudofumaria lutea | (Widely naturalised. Most frequently found rooted into the crevices of old mortared walls, pavements and other masonry, and on brick rubble and stony waste ground. Once established in an area, it can quickly colonise new sites). |
Fumariaceae - Fumitory Family | |||
Nat | Common Ramping Fumitory | Fumaria muralis | Uncommon in Notts and known from only two sites in Rushcliffe; Nottm Trent Uni Clifton Campus, Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) |
Nat | Climbing Corydalis (Fumitory) | Ceratocapnos (Corydalis) claviculata | Damp woods on sand. Rare. Div II. (H&H). |
Neo | Bird-in-a-bush | Corydalis solida | (Woodland, hedgerows, churchyards and rough grassland, and on roadsides, river banks and walls. It occurs as a garden escape or throw-out, and often becomes naturalised). |
Arc | Common Fumitory | Fumaria officinalis subsp. officinalis | Arable fields, gardens, waste places. V common esp on light soils. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Ulmaceae - Elm Family | |||
Nat | Wych Elm | Ulmus glabra | Woods & hedges. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Small-leaved Elm | Ulmus minor subsp. minor | |
Nat | Plot's Elm | Ulmus plotii | Hedges. Freq in div III. Divs III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | English Elm | Ulmus procera | Woods & hedges. Previous botanists considered this sp common. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Dutch Elm | Ulmus x hollandica | Hedges. Uncommon. Div III. Two records; Farndon & East Bridgford. (H&H |
Nat | Ulmus x vegeta | ||
Cannabaceae - Hemp Family | |||
Cas | Hemp | Cannabis sativa | Rare alien. Rubbish dumps. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Hop | Humulus lupulus | Formerly cultivated esp nr Southwell. Damp hedges, woods & willow holts. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Moraceae - Fig Family | |||
Neo | Fig | Ficus carica | Waste places in towns, river & canal sides. Widespread. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Urticaceae - Nettle Family | |||
Nat | Pellitory of the Wall | Parietaria judaica | Old walls & rocks. Locally freq. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Mind-your-own-business | Soleirolia soleirolii | |
Nat | Common (Stinging) Nettle | Urtica dioica subsp. dioica | Hedges, woods, waste places. V common. All divs (H&H). Common (DW) |
Stingless (Fen) Nettle | Urtica dioica subsp. galeopsifolia | Recorded at Holme Pit and Shelford Carr | |
Arc | Small Nettle | Urtica urens | Arable land & waste ground, esp on light soil. Common. All divs.(H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Juglandaceae - Walnut Family | |||
Neo | Walnut | Juglans regia | Planted nr houses. Becoming rare. (H&H) |
Cas | Caucasian Wingnut | Pterocarya fraxinifolia | |
Myriaceae - Bog Myrtle Family | |||
Cas | Bog Myrtle | Myrica gale | Boggy woods. V rare. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Fagaceae - Beech Family | |||
Cas | Italian Alder | Alnus cordata | (Roadsides, in town parks and in amenity areas. Seedlings are frequent by pavements and on waste ground.) |
Nat | Alder | Alnus glutinosa | Streamsides and wet woods. Common, less so in Div 4 |
Neo | Grey Alder | Alnus incana | (Widely planted in parks, on roadsides, reclaimed tips and river banks. ) |
Neo | Sweet Chestnut | Castanea sativa | Woods & hedges. Formerly freq planted esp on light soils. Less common in divs III & IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Beech | Fagus sylvatica | Woods, parks & hedges.Widely planted around country estates esp in Sherwood Forest. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Turkey Oak | Quercus cerris | Widely planted. It regenerates freely. Freq, esp in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | Evergreen Oak | Quercus ilex | Rarely planted & only as an ornamental. (H&H) |
Nat | Sessile Oak | Quercus petraea | Woods. Freq on the Sherwood Forest, rare elsewhere. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Pedunculate Oak | Quercus robur | Woods & hedges. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | American Red Oak | Quercus rubra | Increasingly planted, esp on the Sherwood Forest - the plantations are still young. (H&H) |
Cas | Quercus x crenata | ||
Nat | Quercus x rosacea | ||
Cas | Noble Beech | Nothofagus obliqua | |
Betulaceae - Birch Family | |||
Nat | Alder | Alnus glutinosa | Streamsides & wet woods. Common, less so in div IV. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Silver Birch | Betula pendula | Woods & heaths on light soils. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Downy Birch | Betula pubescens subsp. pubescens | Damp woodland on light soils. Local. All divs (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Betula x aurata | ||
Neo | Hornbeam | Carpinus betulus | Planted in woods & nr large houses. Not infrequent. Divs II, III & IV. Rempstone. (H&H) |
Nat | Hazel | Corylus avellana | Woods & hedges. Common, less so in div II. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Chenopodiaceae - Goosefoot Family | |||
Cas | "Garden Orache" | Atriplex hortensis | Waste places. Rare. Divs III & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Grass-leaved Orache | Atriplex littoralis | Rare casual. Div III. (Nottingham Dump) (H&H) |
Nat | Common Orache | Atriplex patula | Arable land & waste places. V common. All divs.(H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Spear-leaved Orache | Atriplex prostrata | Arable land & waste places. V common. All divs.(H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Fat Hen | Chenopodium album | Arable land & waste ground. . V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Arc | Good King Henry | Chenopodium bonus-henricus | Roadsides nr houses. Widespread & well established, though not common. All divs. (H&H). Seriously declined since 1970. 14 Monads but many since lost or vulnerable. (NRPR) |
Arc | Oak-leaved Goosefoot | Chenopodium glaucum | Well established along the Trent north of Sutton on Trent. Only discovered in 2006 but probably present long before then. Present in good numbers ner Girton in 2016. |
Arc | Fig-leaved Goosefoot | Chenopodium ficifolium | Waste places & arable land. Local. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Cas | Chenopodium giganteum | ||
Arc | Nettle-leaved Goosefoot | Chenopodium murale | Waste places. Rare. Divs I, II & III. Kingston on Soar; Flintham Hall. (H&H). Rare and vulnerable to extinction in Notts, One plant at Wilford. (NRPR) |
Cas | "Grey Goosefoot" | Chenopodium opulifolium | Waste places. Rare. Div III. (H&H) |
Arc | Many-seeded Goosefoot | Chenopodium polyspermum | Arable land, esp on peat soils.Locally freq. All divs. Bunny; Freq in div IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Red Goosefoot | Chenopodium rubrum | Farmyards, pit dumps & a weed on organic soils. Rather common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Cultivated Beet | Beta vulgaris subsp. Vulgaris | |
Cas | Spinach | Spinacia oleracea | |
Amaranthaceae - Amaranth Family | |||
Neo | White Pigweed | Amaranthus albus | (Disturbed, nutrient-rich waste ground and rubbish tips.) |
Cas | Love-lies-bleeding | Amaranthus caudatus | |
Cas | Green Amaranth | Amaranthus hybridus | (Disturbed, nutrient-rich waste ground, waysides, rubbish tips, market gardens and arable fields) |
Cas | Common Amaranth | Amaranthus retroflexus | A rare casual. Div III. Kingston on Soar. (H&H) |
Portulaceae - Purslane Family | |||
Neo | Spring Beauty | Claytonia perfoliata | Sandy fields, old walls. Uncommon. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Pink Purslane | Claytonia sibirica | Found nr old gardens in Sherwood, Nottingham 1956. (Div II). (H&H). Now more widespread? (NP) |
Nat | Blinks | Montia fontana subsp. chondrosperma | Damp hollows. Local. Commonest in gravelly hollows in the Trent Valley. Divs II, III & IV) (H&H). In Rushcliffe, found at Holme Pierrepont only. (NRPR) |
Caryophyllaceae - Pink Family | |||
Nat | Thyme-leaved Sandwort | Arenaria serpyllifolia subsp. leptoclados | Walls & dry places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Unclear as to which subsp this applies. (NP). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Thyme-leaved Sandwort | Arenaria serpyllifolia subsp. serpyllifolia | Walls & dry places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Field Mouse-ear | Cerastium arvense x tomentosum | |
Nat | Field Mouse-ear | Cerastium arvense | Grassy places on sand. Locally common. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Sea Mouse-ear | Cerastium diffusum | |
Nat | Common Mouse-ear | Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare | Grassy places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Sticky Mouse-ear | Cerastium glomeratum | Meadows, heaths & arable fields. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Little Mouse-ear | Cerastium semidecandrum | Heaths & sandy meadows, railway lines. Locally common. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Snow-in-Summer | Cerastium tomentosum | A common & invasive gdn plant, often naturalised around villages. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Sweet William | Dianthus barbatus | |
Cas | Pink | Dianthus plumarius | |
Cas | Smooth Rupturewort | Herniaria glabra | Damp gravelly ground. Extinct. Div III. (Newark/Hawton) (H&H). Extinct as a native. Recorded twice since 1970 as an introduction. (NRPR) |
Cas | Illecebrum verticillatum | ||
Neo | Rose Campion | Lychnis coronaria | |
Nat | Fine-leaved Sandwort | Minuartia hybrida subsp. tenuifolia | |
Nat | Three-nerved Sandwort | Moehringia trinervia | Woods & shady hedgerows. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Water Chickweed | Myosoton aquaticum | River, drain & pond sides. Common esp in the Trent valley. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Annual Pearlwort | Sagina apetala subsp. apetala | Sandy places, pathways, walls. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Fringed Pearlwort | Sagina filicaulis (S. apetala subsp. erecta) | Sandy places, pathways, walls. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Knotted Pearlwort | Sagina nodosa | Drainsides & damp places. Now confined to the Carrs and Magnesian Limestone. Rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). |
Nat | Procumbent Pearlwort | Sagina procumbens | Walls, damp grassland & paths. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Rock Soapwort | Saponaria ocymoides | |
Arc | Soapwort | Saponaria officinalis | Hedgebanks. Usually nr villages. Uncommon. All divs. Bunny Park. (H&H) |
Nat | Annual Knawel | Scleranthus annuus | Sandy fields. Locally common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Red Campion | Silene dioica | Woods & shady hedgerows. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Arc | White Campion | Silene latifolia subsp. alba | Arable fields, waste places and roadsides. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Arc | Night-flowering Catchfly | Silene noctiflora | Arable fields on limestone & basic peat soils. Uncommon. All divs. (H&H). Rare in Notts- recorded from Barnstone. (NRPR) |
Cas | Silene uniflora | ||
Nat | Bladder Campion | Silene vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Grassy places & waste ground. Locally common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | S. dioica x latifolia | Silene x hampeana | Common with the parents. (H&H) |
Arc | Corn Spurrey | Spergula arvensis | Arable fields on light soils. V common in suitable soils. All divs. (H&H). Formerly common, now just occasional records from Rushcliffe at Holme Pierrepont and Ruddington. (NRPR) |
Neo | Lesser Sea-spurrey | Spergularia marina | Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Sand Spurrey | Spergularia rubra | Dry sandy fields & paths. Locally common. All divs. Normanton on Soar (H&H) |
Nat | Bog Stitchwort | Stellaria alsine (S. uliginosa) | Stream, pond & drain sides. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Lesser Stitchwort | Stellaria graminea | Grasy places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Greater Stitchwort | Stellaria holostea | Hedgesides & woods. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Common Chickweed | Stellaria media | Arable land, woodland, waste places etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Greater Chickweed | Stellaria neglecta | Shady places. Uncommon. All divs. (H&H). Uncommon in Notts. Long present at Clifton Grove (in the City) (NRPR) |
Nat | Wood Stitchwort | Stellaria nemorum subsp. nemorum | Damp woodland. V rare. Divs II & III. (H&H). Only extant population is at Clifton Grove. (NRPR) |
Nat | Stellaria pallida | ||
Nat | Marsh Stitchwort | Stellaria palustris | Marshy meadows on light soils. Decreasing, Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). Scarce; recorded at Holme Pit. (NRPR) |
Arc | Corn-cockle | Agrostemma githago | Arable fields. Formerly common, now extremely rare. All divs. (H&H). Extinct as an archaeophyte. All recent records are introductions. (NRPR) |
Nat | Deptford Pink | Dianthus armeria | Freq near gardens and on rubbish dumps. (H&H). Nationally endangered and rare in Notts. A couple of healthy populations exist on the Widmerpool test track. (NRPR) |
Nat | Maiden Pink | Dianthus deltoides | Around sandstone rocks. Extinct. Divs II & III. (H&H). Extinct as a native but an introduced population exists at Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR). |
Nat | Ragged Robin | Lychnis flos-cuculi | Damp meadows & marshes. Widespread but decreasing, Least common in Div IV. All divs. (H&H) |
Polygonaceae - Dock Family | |||
Cas | Buckwheat | Fagopyrum esculentum | Occurs as a casual when sown for game. Infrequent. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Russian Vine | Fallopia baldschuanica | Waste places. Divs II & III. Est. in several places around Nottm. (H&H) |
Arc | Black Bindweed | Fallopia convolvulus | Arable land & waste places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Japanese Knotweed | Fallopia japonica | Roadsides & waste places. Well established & rather freq. All divs (1st record 1952) (H&H). Currently being exterminated. (NP) |
Neo | Giant Knotweed | Fallopia sachalinensis | Damp ground & streamsides. Uncommon. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Amphibious Bistort | Persicaria amphibia | Still water & damp places. Common; least so in div IV. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Persicaria amplexicaulis | No recent records in Rushcliffe | |
Nat | Common Bistort | Persicaria bistorta | Damp meadows. Rather freq. Divs I,II & III. (H&H) Very scarce in Rushcliffe. |
Nat | Water-pepper | Persicaria hydropiper | Nr ponds & in damp places. Common. All divs. (H&H)Restricted in Rushcliffe to Trent and Soar |
Nat | Pale Persicaria | Persicaria lapathifolia | Arable fields. Common. All Divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Redleg | Persicaria maculosa | Arable fields & damp bare ground. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Least Water-pepper | Persicaria minor | Damp places. Rare. Divs II & III, (H&H). Scarce. Recorded at West Bridgford, Shelford, Adbolton and around Holme Pit. (NRPR) |
Nat | Tasteless Water-pepper | Persicaria mitis | Damp places. Rare. Divs II & III, (H&H). Locally frequent in parts of the Trent Valley. (NRPR) |
Neo | Persicaria wallichii | ||
Arc | Equal-leaved Knotgrass | Polygonum arenastrum | Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Knotgrass | Polygonum aviculare | Arable land & paths. V common & resistant to spray, All divs, (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Turkish Rhubarb | Rheum palmatum | |
Cas | Rheum x hybridum | ||
Nat | Common Sorrel | Rumex acetosa subsp. acetosa | Meadows & grassland. V common. All divs (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Sheeps's Sorrel | Rumex acetosella subsp. acetosella | Sandy meadows & fields, heaths. V common on all light lands. All divs, (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Clustered Dock | Rumex conglomeratus | Roadsides, meadows & waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) This sp. plus Curled, Broad-leaved and Wood Dock are the only four to consider in most of Notts. Water, Marsh and Golden are very scattered along the main watercourses. (Fiddle Dock does not occur in Notts) |
Nat | Curled Dock | Rumex crispus subsp. crispus | Damp grassland & waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Water Dock | Rumex hydrolapathum | Banks of canals, gravel pits etc. Freq except in div IV. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Golden Dock | Rumex maritimus | Bare ground nr pond & gravel pits. Locally freq esp in the tidal Trent valley. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Broad-leaved Dock | Rumex obtusifolius | Roadsides, farmyards, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Marsh Dock | Rumex palustris | Damp bare ground. Local & less common than maritimus. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Rumex patientia subsp. orientalis | ||
Nat | Wood Dock | Rumex sanguineus | Hedges & woods. Freq. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Rumex x knafii | A hybrid of conglomeratus x maritimus. A record from West Bridgford is the only Notts report. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Rumex x pratensis | ||
Nat | Rumex x schulzei | Possibly under-recorded the only (Notts) record is from Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Rumex x steinii | ||
Clusiaceae - St John's Wort Family | |||
Neo | Tutsan | Hypericum androsaemum | Extinct or error. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). Believed extinct as a native plant. Garden escapes assisted by birds are widely distributed. (NRPR). Wilwell Cutting (NP). |
Neo | Rose of Sharon | Hypericum calycinum | Commonly naturalised in shrubberies. (H&H) |
Cas | A St John's Wort | Hypericum forrestii | |
Nat | Hairy St. John's Wort | Hypericum hirsutum | Woods & hedges. Common on strong land in divs I, II & IV. Rare in II. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Trailing St. John's Wort | Hypericum humifusum | Heaths & sandy fields. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Imperforate St. John's Wort | Hypericum maculatum subsp. obtusiusculum | Banks & sandy woods. V rare. Divs II & III. (H&H). Scarce; Found at Cotgrave Forest, Green Line, West Bridgford and Willoughby on the Wolds. (NRPR). |
Nat | Pale St. John's Wort | Hypericum montanum | Bushy places on limestone. V rare. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Perforate St. John's Wort | Hypericum perforatum | Woods, heaths & banks. Widespread & freq. Preferring lighter soils. All divs (H&H). Common (DW). Cotgrave Forest, Wilwell Cutting (NP) |
Nat | Slender St. John's Wort | Hypericum pulchrum | Woods & shady places. Widespread but not common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Square-stalked St. John's Wort | Hypericum tetrapterum | Besides streams & ditches. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Des Etang's St. John's Wort | Hypericum x desetangsii | A hybrid of perforatum x maculatum found at East Bridgford and Normanton on Soar. (NRPR). |
Cas | Tall Tutsan | Hypericum x inodorum | |
Paeoniaceae - Paeony Family | |||
Cas | Garden Paeony | Paeonia officinalis | |
Tiliaceae - Lime Family | |||
Nat | Small-leaved Lime | Tilia cordata | Certainly native in divs I & III. Woods & hedges. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Large-leaved Lime | Tilia platyphyllos subsp. cordifolia | Div I. Only one record at Scratta Wood, Shireoaks. Wood felled but several remaining trees in 1962. (H&H). Found as a native in 24 x1km squares in Notts but none of the trees in Rushcliffe are considered native. (NRPR). |
Cas | Common Lime | Tilia x europaea (T x vulgaris) | Very commonly planted in all parts of the county. It regenerates freely. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Malvaceae - Mallow Family | |||
Cas | Indian Mallow | Abutilon theophrasti | (An annual found as a casual in waste places, fields and on rubbish tips. Lowland) |
Cas | Hollyhock | Alcea rosea | Roadsides & dumps. Freq by Foss north of Saxondale but does not appear to establish itself. (H&H) |
Neo | A mallow | Lavatera x clementii | |
Cas | Greater Musk Mallow | Malva alcea | |
Nat | Musk Mallow | Malva moschata | Grassy banks & open woodland. Widespread but not common. All divs. Cropwell Bishop, Gotham hills, Upper Broughton. (H&H) |
Arc | Dwarf Mallow | Malva neglecta | Waste places, roadsides & particularly around farmyards. Sporadic. All divs. Keyworth, Granby, Langar, Bunny. (H&H) |
Cas | Bull Mallow | Malva nicaeensis | |
Arc | Common Mallow | Malva sylvestris | Roadsides & waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Dwarf Checkerbloom | Sidalcea malviflora | |
Cistaceae - Rock-rose Family | |||
Nat | Common Rock-rose | Helianthemum nummularium | Meadows & rocks on calcareous soils. Rare & decreasing. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) Absent from Rushcliffe? (NP) |
Violaceae - Violet Family | |||
Arc | Field Pansy | Viola arvensis | Arable fields & waste ground, esp on acid soil. Commoner than tricolor. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Heath Dog Violet | Viola canina subsp. canina | Heaths & sandy woods. Locally frequent. Divs II, III & IV. Cotgrave. (H&H) |
Cas | Horned Pansy | Viola cornuta | Garden escape. Roadsides, Wood edges, grassland. V rare (Rose) |
Nat | Hairy Violet | Viola hirta | Banks & hedges on calcareous soils. Freq except in Div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Sweet Violet | Viola odorata | Woods & hedgesides. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Marsh Violet | Viola palustris | Bogs & boggy woods. Less freq than formerly. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Wood (Early) Dog Violet | Viola reichenbachiana | Woods & copses. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Common Dog Violet | Viola riviniana | Woods & hedgebanks. V common. All divs (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Wild Pansy (Heartsease) | Viola tricolor subsp. tricolor | Arable fields. Common. All Divs. (H&H). |
Wild Pansy (Heartsease) | Viola tricolor subsp. curtisii | Scattered records of introduced forms of this subsp. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Viola x scabra | ||
Cas | Viola x wittrockiana | ||
Tamaricaceae - Tamarisk Family | |||
Cas | Tamarisk | Tamarix gallica | |
Cucurbitaceae - Marrow Family | |||
Nat | White Bryony | Bryonia dioica | Hedges. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW). Common in most hedgerows in Rushcliffe (NP) |
Cas | Melon | Cucumis melo | |
Salicaceae - Willow Family | |||
Cas | White Poplar | Populus alba | Occ. planted in ornamental grounds. (H&H) |
Cas | Lombardy Poplar | Populus nigra fastigiate cultivars | Widely planted (NP). Common (DW) |
Nat | Native Black Poplar | Populus nigra subsp. betulifolia | Scarce - Confirmed native at Widmerpool and Stanton on the Wolds but widely planted elsewhere, many of which may be "Manchester" Poplar (NRPR) |
Nat | Aspen | Populus tremula | Hedges & woods esp on sand. Locally common. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | Black Cottonwood | Populus trichocarpa | |
Cas | Populus x berolinensis | ||
Cas | Hybrid Black Poplar | Populus x canadensis | Widely planted (NP). Common (DW) |
Neo | Grey Poplar | Populus x canescens | Moist woods & hedges. Freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Balm of Gilead | Populus x jackii | |
Arc | White Willow | Salix alba | Hedges & streamsides. Widely planted but now neglected. Common but less so than fragilis. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Eared Willow | Salix aurita | Damp acid ground. Almost disappeared due to drainage and hybridisation with S. cinerea. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Goat Willow | Salix caprea subsp. caprea | Woods & hedges esp on clay, sometimes in gravel pits. Common, less so in divs II & IV. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Grey Willow | Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia | Woods, hedges, gravel pits& all moist places. V common esp on acid & sandy soils. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Grey Willow | Salix cinerea subsp. cinerea | Uncommon. Recorded at Holme Pierrepont only. (NRPR) | |
Cas | Violet Willow | Salix daphnoides | Rare. Planted. |
Cas | Olive Willow | Salix elaeagnos | |
Arc | Crack Willow | Salix fragilis | var fragilis: Attenborough. var russelliana: the common pollard willow in Notts, var latifolia: rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Dark-leaved Willow | Salix myrsinifolia | |
Nat | Bay Willow | Salix pentandra | Native on streamsides & in alder carr, esp in the west of the county. Planted as an ornamental & occ (eg Lound) as a basket willow. Uncommon. All divs. (H&H). Formerly at Holme Pierrepont but may not now be present. (NRPR) |
Nat | Purple Willow | Salix purpurea | Willow holts, damp hedges & woods. Rather freq. (H&H). |
Nat | Creeping Willow | Salix repens | Moist heaths. Rare Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Arc | Almond Willow | Salix triandra | Hedges, damp places, willow holts. Common in the Trent Valley, less so elsewhere. All divs. (H&H) |
Arc | Osier | Salix viminalis | Willow holts, damp hedges, gravel pits, swamps. The commonest osier in willow holts. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | A willow | Salix x calodendron | Willow holts, riversides, by ponds. Trent valley, rare elsewhere. Divs III & IV. (H&H). A triple hybrid of viminalis x cinerea x caprea. Records from Holme Pit, Fairham brook, Clifton and Wilwell Cutting. (NRPR) |
Nat | A willow | Salix x forbyana | Willow holts, hedges & damp places. (H&H). A triple hybrid of purpurea x viminalis x cinerea recorded at Kinoulton and Radcliffe on Trent. (NRPR) |
Cas | A willow | Salix x fruticosa | V rare. Div III. One record (Besthorpe). (H&H) |
Cas | A willow | Salix x meyeriana | |
Arc | A willow | Salix x mollissima | |
Nat | A willow | Salix x multinervis | A hybrid of aurita x cinerea recorded at Rushcliffe GC. (NRPR) |
Nat | A willow | Salix x reichardtii | |
Arc | A willow | Salix x rubens | |
Neo | "Green-leaved Osier" | Salix x rubra | Willow holts, gravel pits, planted on the Trent bank. Uncommon. (H&H). A hybrid of viminalis x purpurea. Recorded from Clifton Grove, Holme Pit, Ratcliffe on Soar and Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) |
Cas | A willow | Salix x sepulcralis | |
Nat | A willow | Salix x sericans | Hedges & gravel pits. Freq in div III, less so elsewhere. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | A willow | Salix x smithiana | |
Cas | A willow | Salix x stipularis | V rare. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Brassicaceae - Cabbage Family | |||
Nat | Garlic Mustard | Alliaria petiolata | Hedge banks & under trees. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Thale Cress | Arabidopsis thaliana | Sandy heaths, walls, railway lines, gravel paths. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Garden Arabis | Arabis caucasica | |
Nat | Hairy Rock-cress | Arabis hirsuta | Limestone rocks. Rare. Div I. (H&H) Absent from Rushcliffe. (NP) |
Neo | Arabis turrita | ||
Arc | Horse-radish | Armoracia rusticana | Roadsides, waste places, river banks. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Aubretia | Aubrieta deltoidea | |
Neo | Medium-flowered Winter-cress | Barbarea intermedia | Arable fields, esp. grass leys. Widespread & freq in some years. Divs I,II & III. Holme Pierrepont. (H&H) |
Neo | Small-flowered Winter-cress | Barbarea stricta | Riversides, willow holts, damp waste land. Locally frequent & prob increasing. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | American Winter-cress | Barbarea verna | Rare. Div III. (H&H). Arable & wasteland (Rose), Rushcliffe ? |
Nat | Winter-cress | Barbarea vulgaris | Riversides & damp places.Common in Divs II & III, Less so in Divs I & IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Oil-seed Rape | Brassica napus subsp. Oleifera | Common (DW) |
Neo | Rape | Brassica napus | Common (DW) |
Cas | Black Mustard | Brassica nigra | Waste ground & roadsides. Frequent. All divs. (H&H). Scarce in Notts - Holme Pierrepont and Cotgrave. (NRPR) |
Cas | Wild Cabbage | Brassica oleracea | |
Arc | Wild Turnip | Brassica rapa subsp. campestris | River sides. Common on banks of Trent, Idle & Soar. Divs I & III. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Gold of Pleasure | Camelina sativa | Waste places. Rare. Divs II & III. FP between Langar & Bingham. (H&H) |
Arc | Shepherd's Purse | Capsella bursa-pastoris | Arable land, roadsides, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Large Bittercress | Cardamine amara | Spongy ground near streams, woodland bogs & willow holts. Freq in Divs I & II, less so in III (where restricted to alluvial soils), absent from IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Wavy Bittercress | Cardamine flexuosa | Marshes, drain sides, damp woods. Common except in Div IV. All divs. (H&H). Garden weed. Keyworth (NP). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Hairy Bittercress | Cardamine hirsuta | Sandy heaths, gardens, railway banks & tracks. Fairly common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Cuckoo Flower | Cardamine pratensis | Damp meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Danish Scurvygrass | Cochlearia danica | Less Common (DW) This salt-tolerant plant can be found alongside gritted main roads (NP). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Wallflower Cabbage | Coincya monensis subsp. cheiranthos | |
Neo | Lesser Swine-cress | Coronopus didymus | Waste ground & corn fields. Rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) Absent from Rushcliffe? (NP) |
Arc | Swine-cress | Coronopus squamatus | Arable fields, gateways, farmyards on heavy clays. Common in Div III & IV, rare elsewhere. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Arc | Flixweed | Descurainia sophia | Arable land or waste places. Uncommon. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Annual Wall Rocket | Diplotaxis muralis | Waste ground & railway lines. Widespread. All divs. (H&H) |
Arc | Perennial Wall Rocket | Diplotaxis tenuifolia | Waste places. Rare. Divs I, III & IV. Barnstone quarry. (H&H) |
Nat | Glabrous Whitlowgrass | Erophila glabrescens | Scarce but probably under-recorded. Found at two locations at Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) |
Nat | Common Whitlowgrass | Erophila verna | Sandy & rocky places, railway tracks. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa | ||
Cas | Hairy Rocket | Erucastrum gallicum | |
Arc | Treacle Mustard | Erysimum cheiranthoides | Arable fields on light soils. Locally common. All divs. Gotham hills. (H&H) |
Arc | Wallflower | Erysimum cheiri | Old walls & rocks. Widespread but not common. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). Although long naturalised in parts of Notts, Rushcliffe records are casuals. (NRPR) |
Neo | Dame's Violet | Hesperis matronalis | River banks, woods and dumps. Uncommon. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Hoary Mustard | Hirschfeldia incana | |
Cas | Garden Candytuft | Iberis sempervirens | |
Cas | Garden Candytuft | Iberis umbellata | Freq on rubbish dumps and naturalised on a road embankment at Bunny. Div IV. (H&H) |
Arc | Field Pepperwort | Lepidium campestre | Arable fields on light soils. Not common. All divs. West Leake, East Leake. (H&H) |
Neo | Hoary Cress | Lepidium draba subsp. draba | Waste ground, roadsides etc. Common & increasing particularly in industrial areas and the Trent valley. Rare in IV and on the clays of III. All divs. Langar. (H&H) |
Nat | Smith's Pepperwort | Lepidium heterophyllum | (Acidic soils in dry, heathy and gravelly places. Also in shingle, railway ballast and embankments). Bingham LP |
Neo | Dittander | Lepidium latifolium | Uncommon (a coastal species) found at Plumtree, Gamston, Barnstone and Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) |
Arc | Narrow-leaved Pepperwort | Lepidium ruderale | Recorded on waste ground at Wilford probably in error. (H&H). But on Notts Plant Register post 1970 (NP) |
Cas | Garden Cress | Lepidium sativum | On rubbish dumps & near gardens and sewage works. (H&H) |
Cas | Lepidium virginicum | ||
Cas | Sweet Alison | Lobularia maritima | V common garden escape and rubbish dump plant but not established. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Honesty | Lunaria annua | A common plant of rubbish dumps and a garden escape. (H&H) |
Cas | Virginia Stock | Malcolmia maritima | |
Arc | Wild Radish | Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. raphanistrum | Arable land & waste places. V common. All divs. Var raphanistrum and var flavus are equally common. (H&H) |
Cas | Garden Radish | Raphanus sativus | Freq on rubbish dumps and near gardens. (H&H) |
Nat | Great Yellow-cress | Rorippa amphibia | By rivers, ponds & streams. Common except Div IV. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Narrow-fruited Watercress | Rorippa microphylla | |
Nat | Water-cress | Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum | Streams, ponds & marshes. V common. All divs (H&H). Common (DW). The hybrid Nasturtium x sterile has been recorded at Holme Pierrepont and Ruddington. (NRPR) |
Nat | Marsh Yellow-cress | Rorippa palustris | |
Nat | Creeping Yellow-cress | Rorippa sylvestris | River sides. Locally common. Divs II & III (H&H) |
Nat | Hybrid Watercress | Rorippa x sterilis | |
Arc | White Mustard | Sinapis alba | Roadsides & waste ground. A freq relic of cultivation. All divs. (H&H) |
Arc | Charlock | Sinapis arvensis | Arable fields & waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Tall Rocket | Sisymbrium altissimum | Rubbish dumps, pit dumps, waste places and roadsides. Common. Increasing rapidly. (H&H) |
Neo | False London Rocket | Sisymbrium loeselii | Occurs abundantly at Boots tip, Dunkirk. Introduced. First found 1960. Div III. (H&H) |
Arc | Hedge Mustard | Sisymbrium officinale | Roadsides & waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Eastern Rocket | Sisymbrium orientale | Rubbish dumps, pit dumps, waste places and roadsides. V common. Probably still increasing. (H&H) |
Nat | Shepherd's Cress | Teesdalia nudicaulis | Sandy heaths. Locally common on the bunter, blown sand and gravel. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Arc | Field Penny-cress | Thlaspi arvense | Arable fields. Common. All Divs. (H&H) |
Resedaceae - Mignonette Family | |||
Nat | Wild Mignonette | Reseda lutea | Waste places & roadsides. Uncommon. All divs. Aslockton, Cropwell Bishop, Willoughby. (H&H) |
Arc | Weld | Reseda luteola | Waste ground, riversides, arable land. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Ericaceae - Heather Family | |||
Nat | Heather | Calluna vulgaris | Sandy woods & heaths. Local. All divs. Clipston & Cotgrave Wolds. (H&H). Less Common (DW). Recently found in a tiny colony at Holme Pierrepont - the only Rushcliffe site; now extinct at Clipston/Cotgrave. (NP) |
Nat | Bell Heather | Erica cinerea | Heaths & sandy woods. Local. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). Absent from Rushcliffe. (NP) |
Cas | Corsican Heath | Erica terminalis | |
Nat | Cross-leaved Heath | Erica tetralix | Wet heaths. The least common of the 'heathers'. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). Absent from Rushcliffe (NP) |
Neo | Cornish Heath | Erica vagans | Ornamental planting in the Dukeries? (H&H) |
Neo | Sheep-laurel | Kalmia angustifolia | |
Neo | Rhododendron | Rhododendron ponticum | Commonly naturalised in woods, esp in div II and on the gravels east of the Trent. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Bilberry | Vaccinium myrtillus | Heaths & sandy woods. Formerly freq in div II but now decreasing. Rare elsewhere. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Monotropaceae - Bird's-nest Family | |||
Nat | Yellow Birdsnest | Monotropa hypopitys | Woods on sand. V rare. Div II. (H&H) |
Primulaceae - Primula Family | |||
Nat | Scarlet Pimpernel | Anagallis arvensis subsp. arvensis | Arable land. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Blue Pimpernel | Anagallis arvensis subsp. foemina | Now extinct in Notts. Last recorded in 1962 at Owthorpe. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Bog Pimpernel | Anagallis tenella | Bogs & marshy grounds often nr calcareous streams. Rare & decreasing. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | Sowbread | Cyclamen hederifolium | Divs III & IV. Only one record; Langar, 1805/1807. (H&H) |
Nat | Water Violet | Hottonia palustris | Drains & ponds on light soils & peat.Local. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). Clifton; Wilford; Ratcliffe; Owthorpe. (H&H) |
Nat | Yellow Pimpernel | Lysimachia nemorum | Damp woods. Locally freq. All divs. Freq in div III, West Leake Hills; Stanton on the Wolds; Widmerpool. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Creeping Jenny | Lysimachia nummularia | Damp meadows & hedge bottoms. Common in the Trent valley & freq elsewhere. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Dotted Loosestrife | Lysimachia punctata | |
Nat | Yellow Loosestrife | Lysimachia vulgaris | Damp places & drain sides on peat & sand. Freq on the Carrs and light alluvium, rare elsewhere. Divs II, III & IV. Flintham Wood; Sutton Bonington. (H&H) |
Nat | Cowslip | Primula veris | Meadows & roadsides. Decreasing but still common except in div II wher it grows chiefly on the alluvial soils.. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Primrose | Primula vulgaris | Woods & sometimes in hedges. Freq in divs I & III, less so in div II & rare in div IV. Widmerpool, Gotham. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | False Oxlip | Primula x polyantha | P. veris x vulgaris. Open woodland. Uncommon. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Brookweed | Samolus valerandi | Sides of peaty drains & calcareous streams. V local. All divs. Gotham Moor. (H&H) |
Hydrangeaceae - Hydrangea Family | |||
Cas | Mock Orange | Philadelphus coronarius | Sometimes planted in woods. (H&H) |
Grossulariaceae - Currant Family | |||
Nat | Mountain Currant | Ribes alpinum | Marshy woods. V rare. Div I (H&H). Scarce in Nottinghamshire (and nationally) Recorded from the Green Line, West Bridgford. (NRPR) |
Neo | Black Currant | Ribes nigrum | Wet woods. Common esp in willow holts in the Trent Valley. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Red Currant | Ribes rubrum | Wet woods. Common esp in willow holts in the Trent Valley. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Flowering Currant | Ribes sanguineum | |
Neo | Gooseberry | Ribes uva-crispa | Damp woods & hedges. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Crassulaceae - Stonecrop Family | |||
Neo | Australian Swamp Stonecrop | Crassula helmsii | |
Nat | Mossy Stonecrop | Crassula tillaea | Gravel rides. V rare. Div IV. (Langford Moor) (H&H) |
Neo | Sedum hispanicum | ||
Cas | Ice Plant | Sedum spectabile | |
Neo | Caucasian Stonecrop | Sedum spurium | |
Nat | Biting Stonecrop | Sedum acre | Walls, rocks, heaths, railways. Common. All divs. (H&H)) |
Arc | White Stonecrop | Sedum album | Rare. Divs 2,3.Lock wall, Kingston on Soar. (H&H) |
Saxifragaceae - Saxifrage Family | |||
Cas | Bergenia crassifolia | ||
Nat | Alternate-leaved Golden Saxifrage | Chrysosplenium alternifolium | Very wet 'alder carr' type woods by streams in Div II. Local. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Golden Saxifrage | Chrysosplenium oppositifolium | Wet woods & dumbles. Locally freq in div I, II & III. (H&H) |
Cas | Heuchera sanguinea | ||
Nat | Meadow Saxifrage | Saxifraga granulata | In all meadows & pastures. (Deering 1748). Banks in meadows. Local, chiefly in the Trent Valley. Decreasing. Divs II, III & IV. Trent Hills at Elston & Flintham; Rempstone; Clifton Grove. (H&H). Wilwell Cutting (NP) |
Cas | Irish Saxifrage | Saxifraga rosacea subsp. Rosacea | |
Nat | Rue-leaved Saxifrage | Saxifraga tridactylites | Old walls & quarries. Uncommon. All divs. East bridgford, Gunthorpe, Wtsall Churchyard. (H&H) |
Neo | London Pride | Saxifraga x urbium | |
Nat | Biting Stonecrop | Sedum acre | Walls, rocks, heaths, railways. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Arc | White Stonecrop | Sedum album | Walls & rocks. Rare. Divs II & III. Lock wall, Kingston on Soar. (H&H) |
Neo | Large Rock Stonecrop | Sedum rupestre | Walls & waste ground. Fairly common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Orpine | Sedum telephium | Hedges & woods. V rare. Divs I,II & III. Gamston Wood (very little). (H&H) |
Neo | Fringe Cups | Tellima grandiflora | |
Rosaceae - Rose Family | |||
Neo | Pirri-pirri-bur | Acaena novae-zelandiae | (Naturalised in sparsely vegetated sites subject to moderate disturbance. Habitats include sand dunes, cliffs, heaths, conifer plantations on sandy soils, old gravel workings, roadsides and disused railways) |
Nat | Agrimony | Agrimonia eupatoria | Roadsides & rough grassland. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Fragrant Agrimony | Agrimonia procera | Grassland on light soils. Uncommon. Divs II, II & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Silver Lady's Mantle | Alchemilla conjuncta | Div I. One record, Pleasley Vale 1952. (H&H). (In the lowlands on roadsides, river banks and in rough grassland.) |
Nat | Southern Lady's Mantle | Alchemilla filicaulis subsp. vestita | Woodland rides & damp meadows. The common sp. in Notts. All divs. Owthorpe. (H&H) |
Neo | Garden Lady's Mantle | Alchemilla mollis | (Naturalised on roadsides, riverbanks, rough ground and anywhere where garden refuse is dumped.) |
Nat | Parsley Piert | Aphanes arvensis | Arable fields & open communities on light soils. Common except in div II. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Slender Parsley Piert | Aphanes australis | = A. microcarpa? Heaths, open grassland & arable fields on acid soils. Uncommon except in div II. Divs II & IV. (H&H). |
Neo | Cotoneaster bullatus | ||
Neo | Cotoneaster dammeri | ||
Neo | Chinese Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster dielsianus | |
Neo | Cotoneaster divaricatus | ||
Cas | Cotoneaster franchetii | ||
Cas | Cotoneaster hjelmqvistii | ||
Neo | Wall Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster horizontalis | |
Cas | Cotoneaster 'Hybridus Pendulus' | ||
Neo | Rock Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster integrifolius | |
Neo | Late Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster lacteus | |
Neo | Blistered Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster rehderi | |
Neo | Cotoneaster salicifolius | ||
Neo | Himalayan Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster simonsii | |
Cas | Cotoneaster sternianus | ||
Cas | Cotoneaster x suecicus | ||
Neo | Cotoneaster x watereri | ||
Cas | Cotoneaster zabelii | ||
Nat | Midland Hawthorn | Crataegus laevigata | Woods, scrubland & hedges. Freq throughout the county & common in the Trent valley. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Hawthorn | Crataegus monogyna | Woods, scrubland & hedges. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | C. monogyna x laevigata | Crataegus x media | Occurs freq with the parents. (H&H) |
Nat | Meadowsweet | Filipendula ulmaria | Damp meadows, watersides & marshes. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Dropwort | Filipendula vulgaris | Calcareous grassland. Local. Decreasing. All divs. Cotgrave; Widmerpool; Hickling; Clipstone; Stanton; Gotham; Upper Broughton. (H&H) |
Neo | Garden Strawberry | Fragaria ananassa | Freq naturalised on rly banks & in waste places. (H&H) |
Nat | Wild Strawberry | Fragaria vesca | Woods, hedges. Common, less so in div II. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Water Avens | Geum rivale | By streams & in damp woods. Local. Divs I, II & III. (H&H |
Nat | Wood Avens | Geum urbanum | Woods, hedges etc. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | rivale x urbanum | Geum x intermedium | Damp woodlands with the parents. Rare. Divs I & III. (H&H). |
Cas | A kerria | Kerria japonica | |
Arc | Cultivated Apple | Malus pumila | Common (DW) |
Nat | Crab Apple | Malus sylvestris | Hedges & edges of woods. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Trailing Tormentil | Potentilla anglica | Heaths, meadows & woodland rides on light soils. Local. All divs. Syerston. (H&H) |
Nat | Silverweed | Potentilla anserina | Roadsides, waste ground, fields etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Hoary Cinquefoil | Potentilla argentea | Heaths & sandy tracksides. Local. Chiefly on the bunter and river gravels. Cotgrave & Stanton Wolds. (Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Tormentil | Potentilla erecta subsp. erecta | Heaths, woods & rough meadows on light soils. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Shrubby Cinquefoil | Potentilla fruticosa | |
Cas | Russian Cinquefoil | Potentilla intermedia | Div II. One record, Everton 1962. (H&H) |
Nat | Marsh Cinquefoil | Potentilla palustris | Acid bogs. Uncommon & decreasing. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Sulphur Cinquefoil | Potentilla recta | Rare. Div II. Osberton 1962. (H&H) |
Nat | Creeping Cinquefoil | Potentilla reptans | Roadsides, grassland, waste ground. V common. All divs. (H&H) On rly ballast. (NP). Common (DW) |
Nat | Barren Strawberry | Potentilla sterilis | Woods & meadows. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Potentilla x italica | ||
Nat | Potentilla x mixta | ||
Nat | Potentilla x suberecta | ||
Nat | Wild Cherry | Prunus avium | Woods and hedges esp. on light soils. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Cherry-plum | Prunus cerasifera | Found freq in hedges near villages and on the sites of old cottages and sometimes planted for game cover & food for pheasants. (H&H) |
Arc | Wild Plum | Prunus domestica subsp. domestica | Found freq in hedges near villages and on the sites of old cottages and sometimes planted for game cover & food for pheasants. (H&H) |
Arc | Wild Plum (Bullace) | Prunus domestica subsp. insititia | Hedges. Uncommon or overlooked. Divs II, III & IV. Widmerpool. (H&H) |
Arc | Wild Plum (Greengage) | Prunus domestica subsp. italica | |
Neo | Cherry Laurel | Prunus laurocerasus | Commonly planted in woods. (H&H) |
Cas | Portuguese Laurel | Prunus lusitanica | Freq planted in parks, esp in the Dukeries, and occasionally in woods. (H&H) |
Nat | Bird Cherry | Prunus padus | Native in divs I & II, planted elsewhere. Damp woodland. Uncommon. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Rum Cherry | Prunus serotina | |
Nat | Blackthorn | Prunus spinosa | Hedges, woods & rough ground. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Prunus x fruticans | ||
Neo | Firethorn | Pyracantha coccinea | |
Cas | Asian Firethorn | Pyracantha rogersiana | |
Arc | Cultivated Pear | Pyrus communis | Hedges etc. On the sites of old gardens. Rare. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Arc | Wild Pear | Pyrus pyraster | |
Nat | Field Rose | Rosa arvensis | Hedges, woods & scrub. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Northern Dog Rose | Rosa caesia subsp. caesia | One record from Hawton landfill (1994) (NRPR) |
Nat | Northern Dog Rose | Rosa caesia subsp. vosagiaca | Status uncertain - possibly overlooked. Found at Colston Basset, Ruddington, Wilford Claypit and Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) |
Nat | Dog Rose | Rosa canina | Woods, hedges & scrub. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Rosa ferruginea | ||
Neo | Rosa gallica | ||
Cas | Rosa 'Hollandica' | ||
Cas | Many-flowered Rose | Rosa multiflora | |
Nat | Round-leaved Dog Rose | Rosa obtusifolia | |
Nat | Sweetbriar | Rosa rubiginosa | Hedges etc. Rare or overlooked. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Japanese Rose | Rosa rugosa | Woods. Thoroughly naturalised in the Dukeries. Div II. (H&H) |
Nat | Sherard's Downy Rose | Rosa sherardii | Uncommon but possibly overlooked. Present along the test track at Stanton on the Wolds and the GCR at Rushcliffe Halt (East Leake). (NRPR) |
Neo | Burnet Rose | Rosa spinosissima | Appeared to grow plentifully for the ancient botanists. Some records may be misidentifications of R arvensis but some reputable people record both. East & West Leake. Bunny. (H&H) |
Short-styled Field Rose | Rosa stylosa | Scarce in Notts. Recorded at Green Line, West Bridgford, Wilford Claypit and Kneeton. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Southern Downy Rose | Rosa tomentosa | Hedges & woods. Freq in III and prob in I. Divs I, III & IV. (H&H) |
Cas | Rosa virginiana | ||
Nat | Rosa x dumalis | ||
Nat | Rosa x dumetorum | ||
Nat | Rosa x irregularis | A hybrid of arvensis x canina, recorded from Upper Broughton. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Rosa x nitidula | ||
Nat | Rosa x scabriuscula | ||
Nat | Rubus fruticosus agg. | Common (DW) | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus adspersus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus anglocandicans | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus anisacanthos | |
Neo | Himalayan Giant Blackberry | Rubus armeniacus | |
Nat | Dewberry | Rubus caesius | Damp woods & willow holts. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus dasyphyllus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus eboracensis | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus echinatoides | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus echinatus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus edeesii | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus egregius | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus euryanthemus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus fuscus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus gratus | Div III. (H&H) |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus hindii | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus hylocharis | |
Nat | Raspberry | Rubus idaeus | Damp woods & hedgesides. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Cut-leaved Blackberry | Rubus laciniatus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus largificus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus leightonii | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus mucronatoides | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus nemoralis | Div II. (H&H) |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus newbouldii | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus platyacanthus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus plicatus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus polyanthemus | Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus proiectus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus pruinosus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus pyramidalis | Div III (H&H) |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus radula | Div III. Flintham Wood. (H&H) |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus robiae | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus rubritinctus | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus surrejanus | |
Cas | A bramble | Rubus tricolor | |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus tuberculatus | |
Nat | Elm-leaved Bramble | Rubus ulmifolius | Frequent. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | A bramble | Rubus vestitus | Divs I, II (III?) (H&H) |
Nat | Salad Burnet | Sanguisorba minor subsp. minor | Banks & meadows, chiefly on basic soils, Common except in div II, where it is most freq. on the Carrs. Foremrly sown in grass seeds. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Fodder Burnet | Sanguisorba minor subsp. muricata | Rare. Divs II & III. Kingston on Soar. (H&H). |
Nat | Great Burnet | Sanguisorba officinalis | Meadows & grassy places on rich alluvial soils. freq. throughout the county. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | False Spiraea | Sorbaria sorbifolia | |
Cas | Kashmir False Spiraea | Sorbaria tomentosa | |
Nat | Common Whitebeam | Sorbus aria | Native in div I, planted elsewhere. Woods, rough ground & hedges. Rare. All divs. (H&H). Does not occur as a native in Rushcliffe (but cultivars are widely planted) (NRPR) |
Nat | Rowan | Sorbus aucuparia | Woodland on light soild. Locally common. All divs. (H&H). Widely planted (NP). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | A Whitebeam | Sorbus croceocarpa | |
Neo | Swedish Whitebeam | Sorbus intermedia | Waste places. Rare. Div III. Mapperley brick pits 1958. (H&H |
Neo | A Whitebeam | Sorbus latifolia | |
Nat | Wild Service Tree | Sorbus torminalis | Woods & hedges esp on clay. Locally freq. Divs I, III & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Triumphan's Spiraea | Spiraea x billardii | |
Neo | Willow-leaved Spiraea | Spiraea x pseudosalicifolia | |
Neo | Vanhouette's Spiraea | Spiraea x vanhouttei | |
Fabaceae - Pea Family | |||
Nat | Kidney Vetch | Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. vulneraria | Banks & well drained grassland, disturbed ground. Local. All divs. Canal bank, Cropwell Bishop; Colston Bassett; Upper Broughton rly. (H&H) |
Nat | Wild Liquorice | Astragalus glycyphyllos | Roadsides on both sand & clay, probably preferring a basic soil.. Sporadically throughout the county. Divs I, II & III. Ruddington/Plumtree; Wilford. (H&H) |
Neo | Bladder Senna | Colutea arborescens | Nottingham Dump, 1960 et seq. |
Cas | Colutea x media | ||
Nat | Broom | Cytisus scoparius subsp. scoparius | Heaths, woods & rough land on light soils. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Cytisus striatus | ||
Neo | Goat's Rue | Galega officinalis | Naturalised on roadsides and in woods. Rare. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Petty Whin | Genista anglica | Boggy places. Rare & decreasing. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | Genista hispanica subsp. Occidentalis | ||
Nat | Dyer's Greenweed | Genista tinctoria subsp. tinctoria | Banks & hillsides esp. on calcareous soils. Locally freq. All divs. 8 Rushcliffe locations cited. (H&H) |
Neo | Laburnum | Laburnum anagyroides | Commonly planted & often occuring in hedges far from habitation. (H&H) |
Cas | Lathyrus grandiflorus | ||
Neo | Broad-leaved Everlasting Pea | Lathyrus latifolius | Near gardens & freq on rly banks. Rather freq. All divs. Plumtree; East Leake; Bingham; Upper Broughton.(H&H) |
Nat | Bitter Vetchling | Lathyrus linifolius | Wood verges, rough grassland & rly banks. Locally common. All divs. West Leake. (H&H) |
Neo | Grass Vetchling | Lathyrus nissolia | Rough grassland. V rare Divs III & IV. (H&H). Introduced at Collington Common and The Hook but probably native at Gotham bypass. (NRPR) |
Cas | Lathyrus odoratus | ||
Nat | Meadow Vetchling | Lathyrus pratensis | Meadows, roadsides & all grassy places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Narrow-leaved Everlasting Pea | Lathyrus sylvestris | Rough woods & bushy places. V rare. Div III. Clifton/Barton. (H&H). Rare in Notts - one plant in Rushcliffe; on a roadside verge in West Bridgford. (NRPR) |
Nat | Birdsfoot Trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | Dry grassy places on both sand & clay. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Narrow-leaved Birdsfoot Trefoil | Lotus glaber (tenuis) | Grassy places on basic soils. Uncommon. All divs. East Leake; Gotham/West leake; Kinoulton; East Leake Hills Widmerpool; Cotgrave Forest. (H&H) |
Nat | Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil | Lotus pedunculatus | Damp meadow, marshes, drain sides. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Tree Lupin | Lupinus arboreus | |
Neo | Russell Lupin | Lupinus x regalis | H&H describe L. polyphyllus as a casual of dumps & waste places, frequent in ll divs; polyphyllus is the species from which the Russell Lupin was crossed. (NP) |
Nat | Spotted Medick | Medicago arabica | Sandy & gravelly banks, esp. the Trent terraces & old flood banks. Local. Divs II, II & IV. Bingham, Ratcliffe on Soar, FP between Rempstone & Stanford. (H&H) |
Nat | Black Medick | Medicago lupulina | Dry banks, roadsides, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Sickle Medick | Medicago sativa subsp. falcata | Waste places & roadsides. Rare. Divs II & III. (H&H). Scarce - a coastal sppecies, found as a probable casual at West Bridgford. (NRPR) |
Neo | Lucerne | Medicago sativa subsp. sativa | Waste places, roadsides, railway banks, etc. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | White Melilot | Melilotus albus | Waste places, arable land. Uncommon. All divs. (H&H). Wilwell (NP) |
Arc | Golden Melilot | Melilotus altissimus | Waste places, roadsides etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Wilwell (NP) |
Cas | Small Melilot | Melilotus indicus | Dumps & waste ground. rare. Divs II & III. Wilford Dump. (H&H) |
Neo | Ribbed Melilot | Melilotus officinalis | Waste places, roadsides etc. Less common than altissima. Widespread. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Sainfoin | Onobrychis viciifolia | Grassy places & railway banks. Rare. Divs I & IV. Balderton. (H&H). |
Nat | Rest-harrow | Ononis repens subsp. repens | Rough grassland. Not common. All divs. Langar Lane covert. (H&H). |
Nat | Spiny Rest-harrow | Ononis spinosa | Rough grassland on basic soils. Freq. Divs II, III & IV. Common on the clays & river gravels of III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Birdsfoot | Ornithopus perpusillus | Sandy fields & grassland. Common on the Bunter & eastern river gravels. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Cas | Runner Bean | Phaseolus coccineus | |
Cas | a mock orange | Philadelphus x virginalis | |
Cas | Cultivated Pea | Pisum sativum | |
Cas | False Acacia | Robinia pseudoacacia | Freq planted in woods in the Dukeries. Div II. (H&H) |
Neo | Crown Vetch | Securigera varia | Rare. Div III. Only record: Waste ground by Tolney Lane, Newark 1951. (H&H) |
Cas | Spanish Broom | Spartium junceum | Div II. Planted. (H&H) |
Cas | False Lupin | Thermopsis montana | |
Nat | Haresfoot Clover | Trifolium arvense | Disturbed ground on light soils. Locally common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Hop Trefoil | Trifolium campestre | Banks, dry meadows, roadsides etc. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Lesser Trefoil | Trifolium dubium | In all grassy places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Strawberry Clover | Trifolium fragiferum | Hollows on the river gravels where water stands in winter, paths, banks. Local. All divs. Hickling. (H&H). |
Neo | Alsike Clover | Trifolium hybridum subsp. hybridum | Naturalised on roadsides, field borders and waste places throughout the county. All divs. Barnstone. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Zigzag Clover | Trifolium medium | Old grassland esp. on basic soils. Rather common, less so in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Slender Trefoil | Trifolium micranthum | Lawns & open grass communities. Rare or overlooked. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Red Clover | Trifolium pratense | Meadows, roadsides & grassy places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | White Clover | Trifolium repens | Meadows, roadsides etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Knotted Clover | Trifolium striatum | Meadows & banks on sandy soils. Locally common. All divs. Freq on the river gravels of Div III. Bunny Park. (H&H) |
Nat | Subterranean Clover | Trifolium subterraneum | Gravelly meadows & banks. Local, with striatum but less common. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Gorse | Ulex europaeus | Heaths, hedges & woods on light soild. Common esp. in div II. (H&H) Locally common in Rushcliffe. Rough Hill, Bunny. (NP). Common (DW) |
Nat | Western Gorse | Ulex gallii | Heaths. Local. Divs I & II. (H&H) |
Nat | Dwarf Gorse | Ulex minor | Heaths. growing with gallii but not in such quantity. Rare. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Cas | Purple Vetch | Vicia benghalensis | |
Nat | Tufted vetch | Vicia cracca | Roadsides & rough ground. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Vicia faba | Less Common (DW) | |
Nat | Hairy Tare | Vicia hirsuta | Arable fields, waste ground, roadsides etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Spring Vetch | Vicia lathyroides | Dry fields & roadsides on the bunter & blown sand. Uncommon. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Common Vetch (Narrow-leaved Vetch) | Vicia sativa subsp. nigra | Roadsides, heaths & meadows on light soils. Common in div II, confined to sands & gravels elsewhere. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Common Vetch | Vicia sativa subsp. sativa | A relic of cultivation described under ssp segetalis by H&H. Now nationally rare. (NP) |
Arc | Common Vetch | Vicia sativa subsp. segetalis | Roadsides, waste places V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Bush Vetch | Vicia sepium | Roadsides & meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Wood Vetch | Vicia sylvatica | Clay woodland. Local. Div III. Flintham Wood. (H&H). Scarce in Notts with nearly all records from ancient woodland. In Rushcliffe it is found at Flintham Wood and at Holme Pierepont. (NRPR) |
Neo | Vicia tenuifolia | ||
Nat | Smooth tare | Vicia tetrasperma | Roadsides, waste ground & grassy places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Vicia villosa | ||
Eleagnaceae - Sea Buckthorn Family | |||
Neo | Sea Buckthorn | Hippophae rhamnoides | |
Haloragaceae - Water Milfoil Family | |||
Nat | Alternate Water Milfoil | Myriophyllum alterniflorum | Only record, Newark 1904 - considered doubtful. (H&H |
Cas | Parrots' Feather | Myriophyllum aquaticum | |
Nat | Spiked Water Milfoil | Myriophyllum spicatum | Ponds, drains, canals & gravel pits. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Whorled Water Milfoil | Myriophyllum verticillatum | Ponds & drains in base rich waters. Rare. 'Trent opposite Colwick'. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Lythraceae - Purple-loosestrife Family | |||
Nat | Water Purslane | Lythrum portula | Damp places where water has stood. Local. Chiefly on sand. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Purple Loosestrife | Lythrum salicaria | Water sides & marshes, willow holts. Comon. All divs. (H&H) |
Thymelaeaceae - Mezereon Family | |||
Nat | Spurge-laurel | Daphne laureola | Woods on heavy soils. Locally common. Divs I, III & IV. Langar, Owthorpe, Colston Bassett. (H&H) |
Onagraceae - Willowherb Family | |||
Nat | Rosebay | Chamerion angustifolium | Derelict & open woodland, heaths, waste ground. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Enchanter's Nightshade | Circaea lutetiana | Damp woods. Common, least so in Div II. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW). Bunny Old Wood, Wilwell Cutting (NP). |
Upland Enchanter's Nightshade | Circaea x intermedia | A hybrid of lutetiana and alpina. Only Notts record is from Clifton Grove. (NRPR) | |
Neo | American Willowherb | Epilobium ciliatum | Common (DW) |
Nat | Great Willowherb | Epilobium hirsutum | Riversides, marshes, willow holts. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Spear-leaved Willowherb | Epilobium lanceolatum | Scarce in Notts; Occurs on the GCR at East Leake and the test track at Stanton on the Wolds. (NRPR) |
Nat | Broad-leaved Willowherb | Epilobium montanum | Damp places & gardens. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Short-fruited Willowherb | Epilobium obscurum | Damp, shady places. Rather freq. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Marsh Willowherb | Epilobium palustre | Bogs & marshes, chiefly on light land. V freq in Div II; Freq esp in river valleys of div III. (H&H) |
Nat | Hoary Willowherb | Epilobium parviflorum | Riversides & marshes. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Pale Willowherb | Epilobium roseum | Waste ground in towns, wher it partly replaces E montanum as a garden weed. Local. Divs I, II & III. Clifton Grove. (H&H) |
Nat | Square-stemmed Willowherb | Epilobium tetragonum | Damp places. In more open habitats than obscurum & often on waste ground. Local. All divs. West Leake. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Epilobium x brevipilum | A hybrid of hirsutum x tetragonum. It occurs at Holme Pierrepont and Clifton | |
Nat | Epilobium x erroneum | A hybrid of hirsutum x montanum. It occurs at Cotgrave Colliery and formerly at Bunny landfill. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Epilobium x floridulum | A hybrid of ciliatum x parviflorum. Recorded at Skylarks NR, Stanford on Soar and Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Epilobium x haussknechtianum | A hybrid of montanum x tetragonum. Recorded at Cotgrave Colliery. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Epilobium x interjectum | A hybrid of ciliatum x montanum found at East Leake, Wilwell, Holme Pierrepont, Stanton on the Wolds, Cotgrave and Wilford. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Epilobium x limosum | A hybrid of montanum x parviflorum found at East Leake GCR, Stanford GCR and Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Epilobium x mentiens | A hybrid of ciliatum x tetragonum recorded at Wilwell Cutting and Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Epilobium x novae-civitatis | A hybrid of ciliatum x hirsutum. A single plant recorded at Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) | |
Epilobium x palatinum | A hybrid of parviflorum x tetragonym recorded near Tollerton. (NRPR) | ||
Nat | Epilobium x subhirsutum | A hybrid of hirsutum x parviflorum recorded at West Leake Hills. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Epilobium x vicinum | A hybrid of ciliatum x obscurum found at the Clifton Campus of Nottm Trent Uni. (NRPR) | |
Cas | Fuchsia | Fuchsia magellanica | |
Neo | Common Evening Primrose | Oenothera biennis | Rubbish dumps, railway sidings & waste ground generally. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Small-flowered Evening Primrose | Oenothera cambrica | |
Neo | Large-flowered Evening Primrose | Oenothera glazioviana | Waste ground, dumps & near gardens. Uncommon, but prob increasing. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Fragrant Evening Primrose | Oenothera stricta | |
Neo | Intermediate Evening Primrose | Oenothera x fallax | Oe glazioviana x biennis. |
Cornaceae - Dogwood Family | |||
Cas | White Dogwood | Cornus alba | |
Nat | Dogwood | Cornus sanguinea | Hedges & scrub avoiding acid soils. Common except in div II. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Red Osier Dogwood | Cornus sericea | |
Cas | Spotted Laurel | Aucuba japonica | |
Viscaceae - Mistletoe Family | |||
Nat | Mistletoe | Viscum album | Local. Divs II & III. (H&H). Well established at Burton Joyce and West Bridgford with a single plant near East Bridgford. |
Celastraceae - Spindle Family | |||
Nat | Spindle | Euonymus europaeus | Hedges & woods on basic soils. Common in divs I and III, less so in div II, v rare in IV. (H&H) |
Aquifoliaceae - Holly Family | |||
Nat | Holly | Ilex aquifolium | Native in Div I, planted or bird-sown elsewhere. Hedges, woods & rough pastures in div I. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Highclere Holly | Ilex x altaclerensis | |
Buxaceae - Box Family | |||
Cas | Box | Buxus sempervirens | No known localities. Nowhere even naturalised. (H&H) |
Euphorbiaceae - Spurge Family | |||
Cas | Wood Spurge | Euphorbia amygdaloides subsp. robbiae | Woods. Extinct. Div III. (H&H) |
Cas | Euphorbia characias | ||
Cas | Euphorbia corallioides | ||
Neo | Cypress Spurge | Euphorbia cyparissias | A rare alien. Div I. One record. (nr Mansfield). (H&H). Well established at Wilwell Cutting. (NP) |
Arc | Dwarf Spurge | Euphorbia exigua | Arable fields on basic & clay soils. Locally freq. All divs. V freq in divs III & IV, (H&H). Nationally near-threatened but locally frequent in Rushcliffe. (NRPR) |
Arc | Sun Spurge | Euphorbia helioscopia | Arable land & waste places. Common, All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Arc | Caper Spurge | Euphorbia lathyris | A persistent weed in old gardens. (H&H) |
Arc | Petty Spurge | Euphorbia peplus | Arable land & waste places. V Common, All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Arc | Broad-leaved Spurge | Euphorbia platyphyllos | Cornfields. V rare. Div IV. Only record; West Leake (H&H). Extinct in Notts. Recorded at West Leake in 1905. (NRPR) Appears on BSBI post 1970 VC Census Catalogue. (NP) |
Neo | Twiggy Spurge | Euphorbia x pseudovirgata | |
Arc | Annual Mercury | Mercurialis annua | Garden & field weed. V rare or extinct. Div III. (H&H). Scarce - recorded at Bunny and Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) |
Nat | Dog's Mercury | Mercurialis perennis | Woods & hedges, Common, least so in div II. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Rhamnaceae - Buckthorn Family | |||
Nat | Alder Buckthorn | Frangula alnus | Hedges, woods & drainsides, on moist sand or peat. Uncommon. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Buckthorn | Rhamnus cathartica | Hedges & woods. Generally common but less so in divs II & IV. (H&H) |
Vitaceae - Family | |||
Cas | Virginia Creeper | Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Various sp. of Parthenocissus are commonly cultivated and frequently found on waste ground in and around towns. (H&H) |
Cas | Grape Vine | Vitis vinifera | |
Linaceae - Flax Family | |||
Neo | Pale Flax | Linum bienne | |
Nat | Fairy Flax | Linum catharticum | Dry banks & meadows. esp. on basic soils. Common except in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | Common Flax (Linseed) | Linum usitatissimum | Freq on roadsides and dumps and as a relic of cultivation; sometimes persisting for several years. All divs. (H&H) |
Polygalaceae - Milkwort Family | |||
Nat | Heath Milkwort | Polygala serpyllifolia | Heaths & old pastures on acid soil. Decreasing. All divs. (H&H) Absent from Rushcliffe? (NP) |
Nat | Common Milkwort | Polygala vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Pastures & roadsides on basic soils. Commoner than serpyllifolia but not recorded from Div II. Divs I. III & IV. (H&H) |
Hippocastanaceae - Horse Chestnut Family | |||
Neo | Red Horse Chestnut | Aesculus carnea | (An ornamental tree planted in parkland and large gardens, and as a street tree. Also, rarely, as an introduction in deciduous and mixed woodland.) |
Neo | Horse Chestnut | Aesculus hippocastanum | Commonly planted & reproducing freely from seed. All divs. (H&H). |
Aceraceae - Maple Family | |||
Nat | Field Maple | Acer campestre | Hedges, wood verges. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Cappadociam Maple | Acer cappadocicum | (Planted in parks and large gardens, and on roadsides, and self-sown in grassland, hedgerows and waste land) |
Neo | Norway Maple | Acer platanoides | Often planted around villages and occasionally in woods. Reproduces freely from seed. (H&H) |
Neo | Sycamore | Acer pseudoplatanus | Woods, hedges & waste ground. V common. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | London Plane | Platanus x hispanica | |
Anacardiaceae - Sumach Family | |||
Neo | Tree of Heaven | Ailanthus altissima | (Planted in streets and parks in urban areas, but rarely found elsewhere.) |
Neo | Stagshorn Sumach | Rhus typhina | |
Oxalidaceae - Wood-sorrel Family | |||
Nat | Wood-sorrel | Oxalis acetosella | Damp woods. Common in divs I & III and in the damper woods of div II. Absent from Div IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Pink Sorrel | Oxalis articulata | Occurs in gardens throughout the county but cannot be considered naturalised. Some uncertainty. (H&H) |
Neo | Spreading (Procumbent) Yellow Sorrel | Oxalis corniculata | A common & invasive weed throughout the county. A purple leaved variety also occurs. Some uncertainty. (H&H) |
Cas | Pink-purple Sorrel | Oxalis debilis | |
Neo | Oxalis dillenii | ||
Neo | Least Yellow Sorrel | Oxalis exilis | |
Cas | Lilac Sorrel | Oxalis incarnata | Garden weed but less invasive than other Oxalis. Rare. Divs II & III. Some uncertainty. (H&H) |
Origin | Common Name | Scientific Name | Status in Nottinghamshire |
Geraniaceae - Geranium Family | |||
Nat | Common Storksbill | Erodium cicutarium | Sandy fields, roadsides etc. Locally common. All divs. Rempstone. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Sea Storksbill | Erodium maritimum | Sandy banks. Prob extinct. Div II. (H&H). |
Nat | Long-stalked Cranesbill | Geranium columbinum | Dry pastures esp. on basic soils. V rare. All divs. (H&H). Scarce in Notts. Found at Widmerpool test track, Bingham LP and Cotgrave Forest. |
Arc | Cut-leaved Cranesbill | Geranium dissectum | Roadsides, borders of fields, waste places. Common except in Div II where it is practically confined to the Carrs. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | French Cranesbill | Geranium endressii | |
Nat | Shining Cranesbill | Geranium lucidum | Walls & rocks. V rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). |
Cas | Geranium macrorrhizum | ||
Nat | Dovesfoot Cranesbill | Geranium molle | Waysides & grassland, arable land. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Dusky Cranesbill | Geranium phaeum | V rare. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Meadow Cranesbill | Geranium pratense | Damp meadows, roadsides & willow holts. Common in divs I & III, less so in II and IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Small-flowered Cranesbill | Geranium pusillum | Arable land & roadsides, on sand. Freq in Div II and on the sand in divs III & IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Hedgerow Cranesbill | Geranium pyrenaicum | Roadsides etc. Local. All divs. Cropwll Bishop, Sutton Bonington, Colston Bassett. (H&H) |
Nat | Herb Robert | Geranium robertianum | Woods, hedges, waste ground. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Round-leaved Cranesbill | Geranium rotundifolium | Scarce in Notts. Found at Cotgrave Colliery but lost from the Bunny Landfill (Unconfirmed at Zouch) (NRPR) |
Cas | Geranium rubescens | ||
Neo | Bloody Cranesbill | Geranium sanguineum | Limestone rocks. Prob extinct. Div I. (H&H). All Rushcliffe records are believed to be garden escapes and the plant is barely naturalised at all in the county. (NRPR) |
Cas | Pencilled Cranesbill | Geranium versicolor | |
Neo | Purple Cranesbill | Geranium x magnificum | |
Cas | Geranium x oxonianum | ||
Limnanthaceae - Meadow-foam Family | |||
Cas | Poached-egg Plant | Limnanthes douglasii | |
Tropaeolaceae - Nasturtium Family | |||
Cas | Nasturtium | Tropaeolum majus | Common on rubbish dumps & as a garden escape. (H&H) |
Balsaminaceae - Balsam Family | |||
Neo | Orange Balsam | Impatiens capensis | Willow holts. Rare. Divs I & III. Shelford. (H&H) |
Neo | Himalayan Balsam | Impatiens glandulifera | Riversides. Locally common. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) Common along the Trent valley and around Thorpe in the Glebe on Kingston Brook. An eradication programme on this invasive species is currently underway. (NP). |
Neo | Small Balsam | Impatiens parviflora | Riversides, waste ground. Uncommon. Divs I & III. Clifton Grove. (H&H) |
Arialaceae - Ivy Family | |||
Neo | Hedera algeriensis | ||
Neo | Persian Ivy | Hedera colchica | |
Nat | Ivy | Hedera helix subsp. helix | Walls, rocks, hedges & woodland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Ivy | Hedera helix subsp. hibernica | Common (DW) |
Apiaceae - Carrot Family | |||
Arc | Ground Elder | Aegopodium podagraria | Roadsides & gardens & freq in woods. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Fool's Parsley | Aethusa cynapium subsp. cynapium | A weed of cultivated ground. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Garden Angelica | Angelica archangelica | Riversides & damp woods. Uncommon. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Wild Angelica | Angelica sylvestris | Damp meadows & woods. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Bur Chervil | Anthriscus caucalis | Sandy ground esp on the bunter and blown sand. Local. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Cas | Garden Chervil | Anthriscus cerefolium | A rare casual. Trentside below Clifton Hall. (H&H) |
Nat | Cow Parsley | Anthriscus sylvestris | Hedges, roadsides, woods & meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Wild Celery | Apium graveolens | Ditches & marshes. Apparently extinct. Divs II, III & IV. Costock. (H&H) |
Nat | Lesser Marshwort | Apium inundatum | Pools & drains, chiefly in the Trent Valley & the Carrs. V local. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). Rare in Notts. Recorded at Stanton on the Wolds. (NRPR) |
Nat | Fool's Watercress | Apium nodiflorum | Ditches, pools & stream sides. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Lesser Water Parsnip | Berula erecta | Sides of streams, ponds and esp canals. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Arc | Caraway | Carum carvi | Meadows & gardens. Rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Rough Chervil | Chaerophyllum temulum | Roadsides, woods & bushy places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Cowbane | Cicuta virosa | River & pond sides. Extinct Div II. (H&H). Extinct before 1849 (NRPR). But appears on BSBI post 1970 Vice County Census Catalogue. (NP) |
Arc | Hemlock | Conium maculatum | Dry, disturbed ground, near roads, streams, waste places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Pignut | Conopodium majus | Meadows, roadsides & grassland, woods. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Coriander | Coriandrum sativum | |
Nat | Wild Carrot | Daucus carota subsp. carota | Dry banks, roadsides & pastures. Common in divs I, III & IV, rae in II where it only occurs in artificial habitats. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Edible Carrot | Daucus carota subsp. sativus | |
Neo | Flat Sea Holly | Eryngium planum | |
Neo | Longleaf | Falcaria vulgaris | Naturalised on the Lias at Kilvington. Div IV. (H&H) |
Arc | Fennel | Foeniculum vulgare | Dumps, waste ground and roadsides. Freq, often established on sandy gravel. Divs I,II & III. (H&H) |
Cas | Giant Hogweed | Heracleum mantegazzianum | Scarce and controlled (NRPR) |
Nat | Hogweed | Heracleum sphondylium subsp. sphondylium | Roadsides, meadows & all grassy places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Hybrid Hogweed | Heracleum sphondylium x mantegazzianum | Only three post 1970 Notts monads. One Rushcliffe record from Ruddington 2002. (NRPR). |
Nat | Marsh Pennywort | Hydrocotyle vulgaris | Peaty bogs & drainsides. Still fairly common but decreasing. All divs, least common in IV. Rempstone Old Churchyard. (H&H) |
Cas | Lovage | Levisticum officinale | |
Neo | Sweet Cicely | Myrrhis odorata | Meadows. Rare. Div (II) & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Fine-leaved Water Dropwort | Oenanthe aquatica | Around deep muddy ponds & ditches. rare except in the Trent Valley. All divs. Canal at Cropwell Bishop. (H&H). |
Nat | Hemlock Water Dropwort | Oenanthe crocata | Recorded at Nottingham meadows probably in error. (H&H) |
Nat | Tubular Water Dropwort | Oenanthe fistulosa | Pondsides & damp meadows. Common in the Trent Valley; less so elsewhere. All divs. Div III: Common in the valleys of the Trent & its tributaries. Div IV: Grantham Canal. (H&H). Uncommon but occurs along the Grantham Canal and the Trent Valley. (NRPR) |
Nat | Parsley Water Dropwort | Oenanthe lachenalii | Damp meadows on basic soils. Local. All divs. Cotgrave; Gotham; Wysall; West Leake; Hickling; Kinoulton. (H&H). Scarce - recorded from Kinoulton and Car Colston marshes. (NRPR) |
Nat | Wild Parsnip | Pastinaca sativa | Roadsides, banks & waste ground. Common in all divs except II. (H&H) |
Neo | Garden Parsley | Petroselinum crispum | Walls & rocks. rare. Divs I & II. (H&H) |
Nat | Corn Parsley | Petroselinum segetum | Arable fields on basic soils. rare. Divs III & IV. Stanford on Soar. (H&H) |
Nat | Greater Burnet-saxifrage | Pimpinella major | Meadows, roadsides & rough ground on calcareous soils. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Burnet-saxifrage | Pimpinella saxifraga | Meadows, roadsides & grassland. Common in divs I, III & IV, less so in II. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Sanicle | Sanicula europaea | Damp woods on all formations. Common, least so in div II. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Arc | Shepherd's Needle | Scandix pecten-veneris | Cornfields, esp on clay. Locally common. All divs. Freq in divs III & IV. (H&H). Formerly common in cornfields but now unknown from Rushcliffe. (NRPR) |
Nat | Pepper-saxifrage | Silaum silaus | Meadows & grassy places. Freq except in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Stone Parsley | Sison amomum | Hedge sides and among bushes on heavy clay. Locally freq. Divs III & IV. East Leake, Bunny, Hickling, Kinoulton, Widmerpool. (H&H) |
Arc | Alexanders | Smyrnium olusatrum | Rare. Near old buildings. Divs II & III. Bingham. (H&H) |
Neo | Smyrnium perfoliatum | ||
Arc | Spreading Hedge-parsley | Torilis arvensis | Arable fields. Rare. Divs III & IV. Kingston on Soar. Gotham/West Leake. (H&H). Formerly well represented in Rushcliffe, now found only at Cotgrave Colliery where it is now also disappearing. (NRPR) |
Nat | Hedge Parsley | Torilis japonica | Roadsides, banks & dry places. Common. All divs (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Knotted Hedge-parsley | Torilis nodosa | Dry clay banks. Uncommon. Divs III & IV. Widely distributed in div III. Owthorpe. (H&H). Rare; recorded at Gotham Hills, Langar and Orston. (NRPR) |
Gentianaceae - Gentian Family | |||
Nat | Yellow-wort | Blackstonia perfoliata | Dry calcareous banks & pastures. Local. Divs I, II & IV. Stanton on the Wolds; Gotham; West Leake. (H&H) |
Nat | Common Centaury | Centaurium erythraea | Rough meadows, banks & open woodland. Rather freq in all divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Lesser Centaury | Centaurium pulchellum | |
Nat | Autumn Gentian | Gentianella amarella subsp. amarella | Dry calcareous pastures. Formerly freq in I, now uncommon everywhere. Divs I, III & IV. East Leake; Costock; Widmerpool; Cotgrave Wolds. (H&H). Scarce and declining. Recently lost from Bunny, Rushcliffe GC and Gotham grassland but still present south of Gotham at Cuckoo Bush. (NRPR) |
Apocynaceae - Periwinkle Family | |||
Neo | Greater Periwinkle | Vinca major | Woods, rly bank, hedges. Uncommon. All divs. (H&H) |
Arc | Lesser Periwinkle | Vinca minor | Freq planted & well naturalised in woodland. Uncommon. All divs. (H&H) |
Solanaceae - Nightshade Family | |||
Neo | Deadly Nightshade | Atropa belladonna | Around old buildings & quarries. Rare. Divs I, II & III. Clifton. (H&H). Highfields 2008. (NP) |
Cas | Long-spined Thorn Apple | Datura ferox | |
Cas | Thorn-apple | Datura stramonium | Waste places & gardens, rubbish dumps. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Arc | Henbane | Hyoscyamus niger | Waste ground & rough clay slopes. Formery common, now rare. All divs. Ratcliffe on Soar, Clifton Wolds. (H&H). Scarce and vulnerable. Records from East Bridgford, Gotham Hills and Cotgrave Wolds. (NRPR) |
Neo | Duke of Argyll's Tea Plant | Lycium barbarum agg. | Hedges nr houses. Uncommon. Divs I, II & IV. Kinoulton. (H&H) |
Cas | Tomato | Lycopersicon esculentum | A common casual on dumps, sewage works & the Trent bank. (H&H) |
Cas | Apple-of-Peru | Nicandra physalodes | A rare casual. Div III. (H&H) |
Cas | Sweet Tobacco | Nicotiana alata | |
Cas | Nicotiana forgetiana | ||
Cas | Nicotiana tabacum | ||
Cas | Nicotiana x sanderae | ||
Cas | Garden Petunia | Petunia x hybrida | |
Cas | Japanese Lantern | Physalis alkekengi | |
Cas | Tomatillo | Physalis ixocarpa | |
Cas | Cape Gooseberry | Physalis peruviana | |
Cas | Cock's Eggs | Salpichroa origanifolia | |
Nat | Bittersweet | Solanum dulcamara | Wet woods, hedgerows, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Black Nightshade | Solanum nigrum subsp. nigrum | Arable land, waste ground, gardens. Freq except in div I. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Green Nightshade | Solanum physalifolium | |
Cas | Potato | Solanum tuberosum | Freq on dumps & as a relic of cultivation. (H&H) |
Cas | Woolly Nightshade | Solanum villosum | |
Convolvulaceae - Bindweed Family | |||
Neo | Hairy Bindweed | Calystegia pulchra | Hedges nr houses. Rare. Divs ii, III & IV. West Bridgford. (H&H) |
Nat | Hedge Bindweed | Calystegia sepium subsp. sepium | Damp hedgerows, willow holts, woods, waste ground. V common, All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Large Bindweed | Calystegia silvatica | Hedges & waste ground nr houses. Freq throughout. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Calystegia x howittiorum | ||
Nat | Calystegia x lucana | ||
Nat | Field Bindweed | Convolvulus arvensis | Arable fields, roadsides, waste places, V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cuscutaceae - Dodder Family | |||
Nat | Dodder | Cuscuta epithymum | V rare or extinct. Div III. Kingston on Soar. (H&H) |
Menyanthaceae - Bogbean Family | |||
Nat | Bogbean | Menyanthes trifoliata | Bogs & pools. V rare & rapidly decreasing. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Fringed Water-lily | Nymphoides peltata | Lakes. V rare. Div I. One record (Welbeck Lakes - introduced). (H&H) |
Polemoniaceae - Jacob's-ladder Family | |||
Jacob's Ladder | Polemonium caeruleum | A relic of cultivation. Rare. Divs I & III. (H&H | |
Hydrophyllaceae - Phacelia Family | |||
Cas | Tansy-leaved Phacelia | Phacelia tanacetifolia | |
Boraginaceae - Borage Family | |||
Neo | Amsinckia micrantha | ||
Cas | Anaphalis margaritacea | ||
Arc | Bugloss | Anchusa arvensis | Arable fields. Common on light soils. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Borage | Borago officinalis | Not seen since 1849. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Houndstongue | Cynoglossum officinale | Dry grassland, often on disturbed ground. Local. All divs. Widely distributed in Rushcliffe. (H&H). Declining in Notts. Recorded at Cropwell Bishop, East Bridgford, East Leake, Normanton on Soar, Orston, Ratcliffe on Soar, Stanford on Soar and Willoughby.. (NRPR) |
Nat | Viper's Bugloss | Echium vulgare | Sandy fields & waste ground. Uncommon, Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Arc | Corn Gromwell | Lithospermum arvense | Arable fields esp in beans, on clay or basic soils. Locally freq. Divs I, III & IV. Flawborough; Kinoulton. (H&H). Nationally endangered. Gone from several former Rushcliffe sites but may still survive at Cropwell Bishop. (NRPR) |
Nat | Common Gromwell | Lithospermum officinale | Wood verges & hedges. Rare. All divs. Plumtree; Clipstone Wolds. (H&H). Scarce in Notts and known in Rushcliffe, only from Cotgrave Forest. (NRPR) |
Arc | Field Forgetmenot | Myosotis arvensis | Fields, hedges, woods. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Changing Forgetmenot | Myosotis discolor | Path & field sides, heaths, banks. More widespread than ramosissima. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Tufted Forgetmenot | Myosotis laxa subsp. caespitosa | Damp places & drain sides on sand & peat. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Early Forgetmenot | Myosotis ramosissima | Open communities on sandy soils. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Water Forgetmenot | Myosotis scorpioides | Rivers & stream sides. V common, All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Creeping Forgetmenot | Myosotis secunda | In turf bogs. Not frequent. Pleasley (Div I) & Rainworth & Oxton Bogs (Div II). (H&H) Seemingly considered extinct by H&H. (NP) |
Nat | Wood Forgetmenot | Myosotis sylvatica | Damp woodland. Locally freq. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Myosotis x suzae | ||
Neo | Green Alkanet | Pentaglottis sempervirens | Hedgebanks & woodlands nr houses. Uncommon. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Cas | Lungwort | Pulmonaria officinalis | |
Cas | Caucasian Comfrey | Symphytum caucasicum | |
Nat | Common Comfrey | Symphytum officinale subsp. officinale | Damp hedge bottoms, willow holts & river sides. Locally v freq. Has apparently increased recently. (H&H) |
Neo | White Comfrey | Symphytum orientale | A rare casual. Div III. One record; (by the Devon at Newark. (H&H) |
Neo | Tuberous Comfrey | Symphytum tuberosum | |
Neo | Russian Comfrey | Symphytum x uplandicum | Widespread in hedge bottoms, woods road & canal sides. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Verbenaceae - Verbena Family | |||
Arc | Vervain | Verbena officinalis | Waysides. V rare. Divs I, II & III. West Leake. (H&H). Scarce in Notts; recorded at Barnstone, Bingham and Cotgrave. (NRPR) |
Lamiaceae - Mint Family | |||
Nat | Bugle | Ajuga reptans | Moist woods & pastures. Common but less so in div II. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Arc | Black Horehound | Ballota nigra subsp. meridionalis | Hedges & waste ground. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Basil Thyme | Clinopodium acinos | Dry banks. Rather rare. All divs (H&H). Rare in Notts. Well established in a cutting of the GCR at Stanford on Soar. (NRPR) |
Neo | Common Calamint | Clinopodium ascendens | Banks & fields. V rare. Divs I, II & III (H&H). Scarce in Notts as a wild plant. Known from Plumtree railway line and Holme Pierrepont. Previously at Bunny Landfill but now lost. (NRPR) |
Nat | Wild Basil | Clinopodium vulgare | Hedgebanks & rough grassland, chiefly on strong land. Freq except in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Arc | Red Hemp-nettle | Galeopsis angustifolia | Arable fields on clay or peat. Local & now rare. Divs III & IV. West Leake; East Leake; Colston Bassett; Owthorpe; Orston; Cropwell Bishop. (H&H) |
Nat | Galeopsis bifida | ||
Arc | Large-flowered Hemp-nettle | Galeopsis speciosa | Arable fields, esp on peat. Formerly rather freq, now chiefly found on the Carrs. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Common Hemp-nettle | Galeopsis tetrahit | Fields & waste places. V common, All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Galeopsis x ludwigii | ||
Nat | Ground Ivy | Glechoma hederacea | Hedges, woods, roadsides, waste ground. V common. All divs. Common (DW) |
Neo | "Garden" Yellow Archangel | Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. argentatum | Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Yellow Archangel | Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. montanum | Woods & shady banks. Locally common. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Arc | White Dead-nettle | Lamium album | Roadsides & waste places. Common. All divs, (H&H). Common (DW) |
Arc | Henbit Dead-nettle | Lamium amplexicaule | Freq on the light soild of divs II, III & IV, rare in div I. (H&H) |
Arc | Cut-leaved Dead-nettle | Lamium hybridum | Arable land on light soils. Locally freq, esp on the Carrs. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Spotted Dead-nettle | Lamium maculatum | Occasionally naturalised by roadsides. Divs I & IV. Rempstone. (H&H) |
Arc | Red Dead-nettle | Lamium purpureum | Roadsides, arable & waste land. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Common Lavender | Lavandula angustifolia | |
Cas | Motherwort | Leonurus cardiaca | Waste places & near gardens. Rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Gipsywort | Lycopus europaeus | River, canal & drain sides.V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | White Horehound | Marrubium vulgare | Roadsides around dwellings. V rare or extinct. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Balm | Melissa officinalis | Div IV. One record. Cropwell Bishop. (H&H) |
Nat | Water Mint | Mentha aquatica | River & canal sides, marshes. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Corn Mint | Mentha arvensis | Arable fields, waysides, damp ground. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Pennyroyal | Mentha pulegium | Marshy places. Prob extinct. Divs II & III. (H&H). Nationally endangered Schedule 8. Rare. Rushcliffe CP and formerly at Bunny landfill. (NRPR) |
Arc | Spear Mint | Mentha spicata | Roadsides & dumps. Uncommon. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Bushy Mint | Mentha x gracilis | |
Neo | Peppermint | Mentha x piperita | Streamsides. Rare & decreasing. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Tall Mint | Mentha x smithiana | Marshy places. Rare. Divs II, III & IV. Owthorpe. (H&H) |
Nat | Whorled Mint | Mentha x verticillata | Rare or overlooked. Divs II, III & IV, West Bridgford; Holme Pierrepont; Hickling. (H&H) |
Neo | Apple Mint | Mentha x villosa | |
Neo | Sharp-leaved Mint | Mentha x villosonervata | |
Arc | Catmint | Nepeta cataria | Hedgebanks. V rare. All divs. Kingston on Soar; Cotgrave Gorse. (H&H) |
Cas | Garden Catmint | Nepeta x faassenii | |
Nat | Marjoram | Origanum vulgare | Banks on calcareous soil. Uncommon. All divs. Normanton on the Wolds. |
Neo | Jerusalem Sage ? | Phlomis russeliana | |
Nat | Self-heal | Prunella vulgaris | Meadows, roadsides, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis | |
Cas | Salvia reflexa | ||
Cas | Salvia sclarea | ||
Nat | Wild Clary | Salvia verbenaca | Roadsides & waste ground. Now V rare. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Skullcap | Scutellaria galericulata | River & canal sides. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Arc | Field Woundwort | Stachys arvensis | Sandy arable fields. Uncommon. All divs. Owthorpe. (H&H). Uncommon. Recorded near Costock and along the Trent Valley. (NRPR) |
Neo | Lamb's-ear | Stachys byzantina | |
Nat | Betony | Stachys officinalis | Heathy pastures & open woodland. Freq esp on the coal measures. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Marsh Woundwort | Stachys palustris | River & canal sides, marshes. Freq in divs I, II & III, absent from IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Hedge Woundwort | Stachys sylvatica | Hedgesides, woods, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | S. ambigua x palustris | Stachys x ambigua | Div III. Canal banks. (Drakeholes; Wiseton.) (H&H). Recorded from Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) |
Nat | Wood Sage | Teucrium scorodonia | Bushy places on light soil. Locally common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Large Thyme | Thymus pulegioides | Bingham LP as an introduction and formerly (1950) on West Leake Hills where it was considered native. (NRPR) |
Nat | Wild Thyme | Thymus polytrichus subsp. britannicus | Dry banks & pastures. Now rather rare. All divs. Gotham. (H&H). Uncommon in Notts. In Rushcliffe found only at Gotham Hills (and Bingham LP where it is introduced). (NRPR) |
Cas | Garden Thyme | Thymus vulgaris | |
Hippuridaceae - Marestail Family | |||
Nat | Marestail | Hippuris vulgaris | Ponds & drains mostly in base-rich waters. Common in div I and on the Carrs, rare elsewhere. West Leake. Trent above Wilford. (H&H) |
Callitrichaceae - Water Starwort Family | |||
Nat | Water Starwort agg. | Callitriche sp. | Common (DW) |
Nat | Intermediate Water Starwort | Callitriche hamulata | Ponds. Rare. Div II. (H&H). Uncommon; found at Clifton pond and Adbolton. (NRPR) |
Nat | Blunt-fruited Water Starwort | Callitriche obtusangula | Streams & ditches. rare. Div III. Fairham brook, Wilford, Bingham. (H&H) |
Nat | Various-leaved Water Starwort | Callitriche platycarpa | |
Nat | Common Water Starwort | Callitriche stagnalis | Ponds, drains etc. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Short-leaved Water Starwort | Callitriche truncata subsp. occidentalis | Slow streams, canals, large drains. Local. Chiefly in the north. Divs II & III. (H&H). Although scarce nationally, this species is known from several sites along the Trent and the Soar. (NRPR) |
Plantaginaceae - Plantain Family | |||
Nat | Buckshorn Plantain | Plantago coronopus | Heaths & gravelly paths. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Ribwort Plantain | Plantago lanceolata | Grassland & banks. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Greater Plantain | Plantago major subsp. intermedia | Common (DW) |
Nat | Greater Plantain | Plantago major subsp. major | Roadsides, farmyards, grassland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Hoary Plantain | Plantago media | Grassland on basic soils. Freq except in div II. All divs (H&H) |
Buddlejaceae - Buddliea Family | |||
Neo | Butterfly Bush | Buddleja davidii | Freq naturalised on walls and in waste places in towns. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Orange-ball Buddleja | Buddleja globosa | |
Oleaceae - Ash Family | |||
Cas | Forsythia x intermedia | ||
Neo | Garden Privet | Ligustrum ovalifolium | Naturalised in hedges, chiefly nr villages. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Wild Privet | Ligustrum vulgare | Hedges & scrubland. Common but less so in div II. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Ash | Fraxinus excelsior | Hedges & woods. Common. The commonest hedgerow tree in the Trent Valley. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Lilac | Syringa vulgaris | Freq naturalised in hedges. All divs. (H&H) |
Scrophulariaceae - Figwort Family | |||
Neo | Snapdragon | Antirrhinum majus | Old walls & a freq casual on dumps. Uncommon. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Trailing Snapdragon | Asarina procumbens | |
Arc | Small Toadflax | Chaenorhinum minus | Cornfields, rly lines & waste places. On every rly in the county. Prev recorded as a rare confield weed. (H&H) |
Neo | Ivy-leaved Toadflax | Cymbalaria muralis subsp. muralis | Naturalised on walls. Common in divs I & III.less so in II & IV. Considered rare in 1849. (H&H) Not to subspecies. (NP) |
Neo | Ivy-leaved Toadflax | Cymbalaria muralis subsp. visianii | Naturalised on walls. Common in divs I & III.less so in II & IV. Considered rare in 1849. (H&H) Not to subspecies. (NP) |
Cas | Straw Foxglove | Digitalis lutea | |
Nat | Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea | Woods & hedges on light soils. Locally common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Fairy Foxglove | Erinus alpinus | |
Nat | Eyebright | Euphrasia anglica | Rare. Div II. (Rufford & Thoresby Parks. (H&H) |
Nat | Eyebright | Euphrasia nemorosa | Roadsides, heaths, dry banks & woodland rides.The common sp in Notts & generally distributed. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Eyebright | Euphrasia pseudokerneri | Rare. Divs III & IV. One record; West Leake Hills where common. 1905. (H&H). Endangered and nationally scarce. It was recorded at West Leake in 1905 and again recently where it was found to be well established. (NRPR) |
Neo | Koromiko | Hebe salicifolia | |
Arc | Sharp-leaved Fluellen | Kickxia elatine | Cornfields on clay. More freq than spuria. Divs I, III & IV.West Leake; Stanton on the Wolds; Orston; Owthorpe; Bunny (H&H) |
Arc | Round-leaved Fluellen | Kickxia spuria | Cornfields on clay. Rare, except on the lias and decreasing. Divs III & IV. West Leake; Owthorpe; Colston Bassett; orston; Flawborough et.el. (H&H) |
Nat | Mudwort | Limosella aquatica | Prob extinct. Div III. One record. (Nr Kirklington Mill). (H&H). Nationally and locally scarce. Considered extinct but now being found in the county with the sole Rushcliffe record from Shelford Carr. (NRPR) |
Cas | Linaria maroccana | ||
Neo | Purple Toadflax | Linaria purpurea | Rather freq on rubbish dumps. (H&H) |
Arc | Pale Toadflax | Linaria repens | On dumps & nr houses. Not common. Div III. (H&H). Uncommon in Notts. Found at Stragglethorpe, West Bridgford and Bunny. (NRPR) |
Nat | Common Toadflax | Linaria vulgaris | Hedges & rough grassland. Common, All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Linaria x sepium | A hybrid of vulgaris x repens found at Cotgrave Colliery. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Common Cow-wheat | Melampyrum pratense subsp. pratense | Woods on light soil. Rare & decreasing. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Monkeyflower | Mimulus guttatus | Streamsides. Uncommon, Divs I, II & III, (H&H) |
Neo | Musk | Mimulus moschatus | Div II. One record. (Wollaton Park). (H&H) |
Neo | Hybrid Monkeyflower | Mimulus x robertsii | |
Nat | Red Bartsia | Odontites vernus subsp. serotinus | Farm roads, arable land. Common esp on the heavy clays of divs III & IV, least common in div II. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Yellow Bartsia | Parentucellia viscosa | |
Nat | Yellow Rattle | Rhinanthus minor subsp. minor | Meadows, roadsides & grassy places. Common. All divs (H&H) . Not to subsp. (NP) |
Nat | Yellow Rattle | Rhinanthus minor subsp. stenophyllus | Meadows, roadsides & grassy places. Common. All divs (H&H) . Not to subsp. (NP) |
Nat | Common Figwort | Scrophularia nodosa | Moist woods. Common, less so in Div II. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Yellow Figwort | Scrophularia vernalis | Rare. Shrubberies. Div I. (Wollaton Park). (H&H) |
Cas | Verbascum blattaria | ||
Neo | Verbascum chaixii | ||
Cas | White Mullein | Verbascum lychnitis | Extinct. Div III. One record - Clifton Hill 1805. (H&H) |
Nat | Dark Mullein | Verbascum nigrum | Hedges, dry woods. Rare. Divs I, II & III. Barton in Fabis (gdn esc.) (H&H). Presumed non-native at Bingham LP and formerly at Bunny landfill. (NRPR) |
Neo | Orange Mullein | Verbascum phlomoides | Dry woodland roadsides. Divs II & III. Becoming more established esp in the Forest country. (H&H) |
Cas | Purple Mullein | Verbascum phoeniceum | |
Neo | Hungarian Mullein | Verbascum speciosum | |
Nat | Great Mullein | Verbascum thapsus | Quarries, open woodland, waste places, rly banks. V freq in div I, less so in II & III, rare in IV. Owthorpe. (H&H) |
Cas | Twiggy Mullein | Verbascum virgatum | Arable fields & gardens. Rare. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Cas | Verbascum x duernsteinense | ||
Arc | Green Field Speedwell | Veronica agrestis | Gardens & arable fields, poss preferring lighter land. Now uncommon. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Water Speedwell | Veronica anagallis-aquatica | See V. catenata for H&H status. (NP) |
Nat | Wall Speedwell | Veronica arvensis | Walls & bare ground, heaths. Common esp on the Forest. All divs (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Brooklime | Veronica beccabunga | Streams, ponds & marshes. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Pink Water Speedwell | Veronica catenata | Marshes & stream sides. "The common sp in Notts but not prev distinguished from anagallis-aquatica." Locally common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Germander Speedwell | Veronica chamaedrys | Hedgebanks & grassy places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Slender Speedwell | Veronica filiformis | Inc naturalised on roadsides, in lawns etc but not yet common. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Arc | Ivy-leaved Speedwell | Veronica hederifolia subsp. hederifolia | Bare dry ground, arable land. V common. All divs. (H&H). Not to subsp. (NP) Less Common (DW) |
Arc | Ivy-leaved Speedwell | Veronica hederifolia subsp. lucorum | Bare dry ground, arable land. V common. All divs. (H&H). Not to subsp. (NP). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Veronica longifolia | ||
Nat | Wood Speedwell | Veronica montana | Moist woods. Common in divs I & III, chiefly nr streams in div II, absent from div IV, (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Heath Speedwell | Veronica officinalis | Heathland, old pasture & open woodland. Common on the light soils in divs I & II. Mainly woodland rides in div III and the drift soils of div IV. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Common Field Speedwell | Veronica persica | Arable fields, gardens & waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Grey Field Speedwell | Veronica polita | Gardens. Not common contrary to earlier botanst's experience. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Marsh Speedwell | Veronica scutellata | Bogs & marshes. Uncommon. All divs. Wysall. (H&H). Scarce in Notts, the only Rushcliffe record is from Rempstone Old Churchyard. (NRPR) |
Nat | Thyme-leaved Speedwell | Veronica serpyllifolia subsp. serpyllifolia | Walls, lawns & sandy ground. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Water Figwort | Scrophularia auriculata | River, canal & pond sides. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Orobanchaceae - Broomrape Family | |||
Nat | Toothwort | Lathraea squamaria | Woods & hedgebanks. Local. Divs I, II & III. |
Nat | Common Broomrape | Orobanche minor | Roadsides, waste places, newly seeded fields. Rare. Divs I, III & IV. (H&H). Uncommon but apparently increasing in Notts. Has been recorded on Cotgrave Colliery site and in West Bridgford. (NRPR) |
Acanthaceae - Bearsbreech Family | |||
Neo | Bear's Breech | Acanthus mollis | (Persisting where it is dumped from gardens in sites such as roadsides, railway banks, waste places and in woodlands.) |
Lentibulariaceae - Butterwort Family | |||
Nat | Common Butterwort | Pinguicula vulgaris | Bogs & marshes. Formerly rather common, now prob extinct. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). Extinct in Notts - may formerly have occurred in Rushcliffe. (NRPR). Appears in the post 1970 BSBI VC Census Catalogue. (NP) |
Campanulaceae - Bellflower Family | |||
Neo | Campanula fragilis | ||
Nat | Clustered Bellflower | Campanula glomerata | Calcareous grassland. V rare. Divs I & III. West Leake. (H&H) |
Nat | Giant Bellflower | Campanula latifolia | Woods & hedges on strong land. Locally common. All divs. Freq in div III. Rempstone. (H&H) |
Cas | Canterbury Bells | Campanula medium | |
Neo | Peach-leaved Bellflower | Campanula persicifolia | |
Cas | Adria Bellflower | Campanula portenschlagiana | |
Neo | Trailing Bellflower | Campanula poscharskyana | |
Neo | Creeping Bellflower | Campanula rapunculoides | Woods & rly banks, roadsides. Uncommon. All divs. Normanton on Soar. (H&H) |
Nat | Harebell | Campanula rotundifolia | Grassland. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Nettle-leaved Bellflower | Campanula trachelium | Woods on limestone. Rare. Divs I, (III) & IV. Nr West Leake on the lias. (H&H) |
Nat | Sheepsbit | Jasione montana | Sandy places, often on disturbed ground. Uncommon. Divs II & III. In div III all records from the blown sand except Muskham. (H&H) |
Arc | Venus' Looking-glass | Legousia hybrida | Cornfields on calcareous soils. Rare. Divs I & IV. West Leake, Colston Basset. (H&H). Rare in Notts but recently located in three sites at Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) |
Cas | Garden Lobelia | Lobelia erinus | Occurs on rubbish dumps. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Lawn Lobelia | Pratia angulata | |
Rubiaceae - Bedstraw Family | |||
Cas | Asperula arvensis | ||
Nat | Crosswort | Cruciata laevipes | Roadsides & grassy places. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Cleavers | Galium aparine | Hedges, woods & waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Slender Marsh Bedstraw | Galium constrictum | |
Nat | Hedge Bedstraw | Galium mollugo | Hedges & rough meadows on basic soils. Locally freq. All divs. Freq in div III esp on the clay. Gotham Hill; Sutton Bonington. (H&H) |
Nat | Woodruff | Galium odoratum | Damp woodland on clay soil. Freq in divs I & III, rare in II and absent from IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Marsh Bedstraw | Galium palustre subsp. elongatum | Probably under-recorded but found at Stanford on Soar, Holme Pit and Radcliffe on Trent. (NRPR) |
Nat | Marsh Bedstraw | Galium palustre subsp. palustre | Marshes & watersides. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Wall Bedstraw | Galium parisiense | |
Nat | Heath Bedstraw | Galium saxatile | Heaths & sandy fields. Common on the light soils in all divs, esp on the bunter & the sands east of the Trent. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Fen Bedstraw | Galium uliginosum | Bogs, esp in less acid situations. Decreasing. All divs. Rempstone Old Churchyard. (H&H). Scarce in Notts but well established at Rempstone Old Churchyard. (NRPR) |
Nat | Lady's Bedstraw | Galium verum | Meadows & grassland. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Caucasian Crosswort | Phuopsis stylosa | |
Nat | Field Madder | Sherardia arvensis | Arable fields. Freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle Family | |||
Cas | Flowering Nutmeg | Leycesteria formosa | |
Cas | Japanese Honeysuckle | Lonicera japonica | |
Cas | Lonicera nitida | ||
Nat | Honeysuckle | Lonicera periclymenum | Woods & hedges. Common esp on light soils. Rare in div IV except on the sand & drift. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Elder | Sambucus nigra | Hedges, scrub & woodland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Danewort | Sambucus ebulus | Formerly present at Gamston and Bunny but now extinct in Rushcliffe - just! A well established population exists 4.5 metres into Leicestershire at Kinoulton. (NRPR) | |
Neo | Snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus | Commonly planted as game cover in woods and near villages and now naturalised. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Symphoricarpos x chenaultii | ||
Nat | Wayfaring-tree | Viburnum lantana | Hedges & woods. very rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Guelder-rose | Viburnum opulus | Damp woods & hedges. Common except in div IV where it is chiefly on the sands. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Adoxaceae - Moschatel Family | |||
Nat | Moschatel | Adoxa moschatellina | Damp woods. Common in divs I & III, less so in div II & absent from div IV. (H&H) |
Valerianaceae - Valerian Family | |||
Neo | Red Valerian | Centranthus ruber | Widespread. Naturalised on walls, dy banks, clay pits etc. near houses. (H&H) |
Nat | Marsh Valerian | Valeriana dioica | Boggy & peaty meadows. Decreasing. All divs. Rempstone. (H&H). Uncommon and declining in Notts. No longer present in Rushcliffe. Formerly known from near Costock. (NRPR) |
Nat | Common Valerian | Valeriana officinalis | Damp woods, hedge-bottoms & streamsides. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Arc | Keeled-fruited Cornsalad | Valerianella carinata | |
Arc | Narrow-fruited Cornsalad | Valerianella dentata | Arable fields on basic soils. Uncommon. All divs. West Leake; Owthorpe; Bunny; Cotgrave. (H&H). Scarce in Notts (formerly more common). A population at West Leake has not been found since 1987. (NRPR) |
Nat | Common Cornsalad | Valerianella locusta | Railway banks, hedgesides & arable fields. Freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Dipsacaceae - Teasel Family | |||
Neo | Giant Scabious | Cephalaria gigantea | |
Nat | Wild Teasel | Dipsacus fullonum | Banks, woodland rides, waste places. Common esp in div IV. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Cut-leaved Teasel | Dipsacus laciniatus | Recorded near Whatton in 2016 (NP) |
Nat | Small Teasel | Dipsacus pilosus | Edges of woods. Rare. Divs I & III. Flintham Wood. (H&H). Scarce in Notts; it is known from a couple of sites near Flintham. (NRPR) |
Cas | Fuller's Teasel | Dipsacus sativus | Recorded near Brinsley, 1987-1999 (NP) |
Nat | Field Scabious | Knautia arvensis | Roadsides & edges of arable fields. Common esp in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Small Scabious | Scabiosa columbaria | Calcareous grassland. Fairly freq but decreasing. All divs. Gamston. (H&H) |
Nat | Devils-bit Scabious | Succisa pratensis | Meadows & woodland rides. Common, esp on the coal measures, but rather rare in IV where it is chiefly on the drift soils. All divs. (H&H) |
Asteraceae - Daisy Family | |||
Nat | Yarrow | Achillea millefolium | Grassland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Sneezewort | Achillea ptarmica | Marshy places & streamsides. Freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | Ambrosia artemisiifolia | ||
Arc | Corn Chamomile | Anthemis arvensis | Sandy fields. Local. All divs. Cotgrave, Kinoulton. (H&H). Now extinct (NRPR) |
Arc | Stinking Chamomile | Anthemis cotula | Arable fields & roadsides. Decreasing, less common than A. arvensis. (H&H). Recent records from 7 Rushcliffe locations all close to the Leics county boundary. (NRPR) |
Cas | Yellow Chamomile | Anthemis tinctoria | A rare alien. Div III. One record; (Newark). (H&H) |
Arc | Greater Burdock | Arctium lappa | Damp woods & willow holts. Freq. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Lesser Burdock | Arctium minus | Hedgesides & woodland borders. Rather freq esp in divs I & II. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Wood Burdock | Arctium nemorosum | |
Nat | Arctium x nothum | ||
Arc | Wormwood | Artemisia absinthium | Waste places, road & path sides. Common esp on the Trent side. Rare in Div IV. All divs. Willoughby on the Wolds; Cropwell Bishop; Bunny (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Artemisia annua | ||
Cas | Artemisia verlotiorum* | ||
Arc | Mugwort | Artemisia vulgaris | Roadsides & waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Narrow-leaved Michaelmas Daisy | Aster lanceolatus | |
Cas | Hairy Michaelmas Daisy | Aster novae-angliae | Given the confusion regarding Aster sp, I have lumped the status given by H&H for this sp. under A x salignus. (NP) |
Neo | Confused Michaelmas Daisy | Aster novi-belgii | Given the confusion regarding Aster sp, I have lumped the status given by H&H for this sp. under A x salignus. (NP) |
Nat | Sea Aster | Aster tripolium | Tidal mud banks of the Trent etc. Rare. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Common Michaelmas Daisy | Aster x salignus | Common on rubbish dumps, around camps and naturalised on roadsides. All divs. (H&H). A x salignus is not reported by H&H and I have lumped the status of novae-angliae & nova-belgii here. (NP) |
Neo | Changing Michaelmas Daisy | Aster x versicolor | |
Nat | Daisy | Bellis perennis | Grassland. All divs. V common; less so on the acid sand of div 2. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Nodding Bur-marigold | Bidens cernua | Ponds, anciently on peat, now chiefly around towns in foul water. Locally freq. Divs I, II & III. Casual on banks of Trent & Soar. (H&H) |
Neo | Beggarticks | Bidens frondosa | Div III. One record (Farndon Willow Holt 1961) (H&H |
Nat | Trifid Bur-marigold | Bidens tripartita | River & canal sides. Common except in Div IV. All divs. Canal banks at Kinoulton, Owthorpe & Hickling. Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Brachyglottis 'Sunshine' | ||
Neo | Pot Marigold | Calendula officinalis | Freq as a garden escape & on rubbish dumps. (H&H) |
Nat | Welted Thistle | Carduus crispus subsp. multiflorus | Hedges & waste ground. Common on the clays on div III and IV, less so elsewhere. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Musk Thistle | Carduus nutans | Meadows, roadsides & waste places. Common on light soils, esp the bunter & in the Trent Valley. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Slender Thistle | Carduus tenuiflorus | Rare. Div III. Clifton, East Stoke. (H&H) |
Nat | Carduus x stangii | ||
Nat | Carline Thistle | Carlina vulgaris | Dry banks & grassland on basic soils. Widespread. All divs. Clipstone, Gotham, Cotgrave. (H&H) |
Cas | Safflower | Carthamus tinctorius | |
Arc | Cornflower | Centaurea cyanus | Arable fields, freshly disturbed roadsides, on sand. Now rare Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). Rare as an uncultivated plant but widely distributed as an introduction or escape. In the wild (since 1970) it has only been found in an arable field at Costock. (NRPR) |
Neo | Perennial Cornflower | Centaurea montana | Freq on rubbish dumps. (H&H) |
Nat | Common Knapweed | Centaurea nigra | Grassland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Greater Knapweed | Centaurea scabiosa | Roadsides & rough grassland. Freq except in div III. All divs. Apparently absent from the marls of div III. (H&H) |
Arc | Corn Marigold | Chrysanthemum segetum | Arable fields on light soils. Abundant before herbicides and still fairly freq. All divs. (H&H). Scarce in Rushcliffe - just a couple of recent records. (NRPR) |
Neo | Common Blue Sow-thistle | Cicerbita macrophylla subsp. uralensis | |
Arc | Chicory | Cichorium intybus | Road & field sides esp on sand. Freq in divs II & III, less so elsewhere. Stanton on the Wolds. (H&H) |
Nat | Dwarf Thistle | Cirsium acaule | Rough meadows & banks on basic soils. Uncommon. All divs. Widespread in Rushcliffe. (H&H). Scarce in Notts where all modern records are from Rushcliffe. Found at Barnstone; Normanton on Soar; Langar; Gotham Hills; Orston Plaster Pits and Hickling Standard. (NRPR) |
Nat | Creeping Thistle | Cirsium arvense | Meadows, arable land, waste ground. V common. All divs. Common (DW) |
Nat | Woolly Thistle | Cirsium eriophorum | Rough meadows & scrub on basic soils. Rare. Now chiefly in & near div IV. Divs I, III & IV. Bunny; Cotgrave Wolds; Owthorpe; Clipstone Wolds; Colston Bassett; East Leake; Widmerpool; Cropwell Bishop; Wysall. (H&H) |
Nat | Marsh Thistle | Cirsium palustre | Damp meadows. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Spear Thistle | Cirsium vulgare | Meadows, roadsides, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | C. eriophorum x vulgare | Cirsium x grandiflorum | Known from only one site in Notts - at Cropwell Bishop disused gypsum works |
Neo | Canadian Fleabane | Conyza canadensis | Waste ground on light soils & in towns. Still rather uncertain in its occurrence. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Garden Cosmos | Cosmos bipinnatus | |
Nat | Rough Hawksbeard | Crepis biennis | Roadsides & meadows. Local, Has apparently increased recently. Divs I, III & IV. West Leake Hills. Normanton on Soar. (H&H) |
Nat | Smooth Hawksbeard | Crepis capillaris | Roadsides, grassland, waste places. V common. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Marsh Hawksbeard | Crepis paludosa | Marshes. V rare. Div I. (H&H) |
Cas | Bristly Hawksbeard | Crepis setosa | A rare alien. Casual. One record. (H&H). |
Neo | Beaked Hawksbeard | Crepis vesicaria subsp. taraxacifolia | Roadsides, waste places. Increasing. All divs. Common in div III. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Leopardsbane | Doronicum pardalianches | Naturalised in shady places. Rather rare. Divs I & II. (H&H) |
Neo | Blue Globe-thistle | Echinops bannaticus | |
Neo | Globe-thistle | Echinops exaltatus | |
Nat | Blue Fleabane | Erigeron acer | Dry banks on limestone & gravel. Common in div I. In div II, III & IV, chiefly on rly banks & disturbed ground. Increasing (H&H) |
Neo | Seaside Daisy | Erigeron glaucus | |
Cas | Mexican Fleabane | Erigeron karvinskianus | |
Nat | Hemp Agrimony | Eupatorium cannabinum | Streamsides & damp places. Common in the west & the Trent Valley, rare in div IV. All divs. (H&H). Wilwell Cutting (NP) |
Nat | Small Cudweed | Filago minima | Barren sandy ground. Less common than F. vulgaris. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). |
Nat | Common Cudweed | Filago vulgaris | Barren sandy ground. Locally common. All divs. Comon on the river gravels & blown sand of div III. Thrumpton; Upper Broughton. (H&H). Near threatened nationally but locally common in Notts, less so in Rushcliffe. (NRPR) |
Cas | Gallant Soldier | Galinsoga parviflora | Naturalised in waste places, esp in & about Nottingham. Wilford. (H&H) |
Neo | Shaggy Soldier | Galinsoga quadriradiata | Naturalised in several places. Divs II & III. West Bridgford. (H&H) |
Nat | Heath Cudweed | Gnaphalium sylvaticum | Heaths & sandy woods. Local. Divs II, III & IV. Near "Leake"; Clipstone Wolds. (H&H) |
Nat | Marsh Cudweed | Gnaphalium uliginosum | Damp places & where water has stood. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Niger | Guizotia abyssinica | |
Cas | Annual Sunflower | Helianthus annuus | Common on rubbish dumps & occasionally on the Trent bank. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Jerusalem Artichoke | Helianthus tuberosus | Freq on rubbish dumps. (H&H) |
Cas | Perennial Sunflower | Helianthus x laetiflorus | H. decapetalus is presumed to refer to this taxa. (NP). Freq on rubbish dumps. (H&H) |
Neo | Hieracium acuminatum | ||
Nat | Hieracium calcaricola | ||
Nat | Hieracium diaphanum | ||
Neo | Spotted Hawkweed | Hieracium maculatum | Rly banks & waste ground. Local. Divs I & II. (H&H |
Neo | Hieracium pulmonarioides | Rare. Div II. One record; Nottingham castle walls. (H&H) | |
Nat | Hieracium sabaudum | sens. lat. is recorded by T. Ordoyno 1807 and by G Howitt as freq, and H. boreale is recorded by J.W. Carr. (H&H / NP) | |
Neo | Hieracium salticola | ||
Nat | Narrow-leaved Hawkweed | Hieracium umbellatum subsp. umbellatum | Heaths, sandy woods & fields. Locally common. All divs. Freq on the gravels east of the Trent. (H&H) |
Nat | Hieracium vagum | Rly banks, pit dumps, woods & roadsides. Common in div I & II, less so in divs III & IV, where it occurs chiefly on the gravels east of the Trent & on a few rly banks. (H&H) | |
Nat | Hieracium vulgatum | Unclear | |
Nat | Smmoth Catsear | Hypochaeris glabra | Grassland & arable on light sand. Uncommon. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Catsear | Hypochaeris radicata | Grassland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Ploughman's Spikenard | Inula conyzae | Banks, quarries & disturbed ground. Increasing. Divs I, II & III. Stanford on Soar. (H&H) |
Arc | Elecampane | Inula helenium | Roasdides etc. Prob extinct. Div III. (H&H). Uncommon in Notts and known in Rushcliffe only from Kinoulton. (NRPR) |
Arc | Prickly Lettuce | Lactuca serriola | Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Great Lettuce | Lactuca virosa | Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Nipplewort | Lapsana communis subsp. communis | Gardens, hedgesides, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Not to subsp. level (NP). Common (DW) |
Neo | Nipplewort | Lapsana communis subsp. intermedia | Gardens, hedgesides, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Not to subsp. level (NP). Common (DW) |
Nat | Autumn Hawkbit | Leontodon autumnalis subsp. autumnalis | Grassland & lawns. Common & widespread. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Rough Hawkbit | Leontodon hispidus | Grassland, banks & rough ground. Common on calcareous divs I, III & IV, less freq in II. (H&H) |
Nat | Lesser Hawkbit | Leontodon saxatilis (taraxacoides) | Leontodon leysseri in H&H is presumed to be this sp (NP). Grassland & lawns. Common except on the more acid sands of div II. (H&H) |
Nat | Ox-eye Daisy | Leucanthemum vulgare | Meadows & grassy places. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Shasta Daisy | Leucanthemum x superbum | Common on rubbish dumps & around houses. (H&H) |
Neo | Leopardplant | Ligularia dentata | |
Neo | Pineappleweed | Matricaria discoidea | Farmyards, waste places, arable land. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Arc | Scented Mayweed | Matricaria recutita | Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Wall Lettuce | Mycelis muralis | Walls, rocks & dry banks. Local. All divs. Common in div I, Stanford on Soar. (H&H) |
Arc | Cotton Thistle | Onopordum acanthium | Roadsides, rly banks. Has apparently decreased. Was considered common. Divs II, III & IV. ratcliffe on Soar, East Bridgford. (H&H) |
Neo | White Butterbur | Petasites albus | One record, Div II. (Osberton Park). (H&H |
Neo | Winter Heliotrope | Petasites fragrans | Freq naturalised near gardens. Divs II & III. Flintham. (H&H) |
Nat | Butterbur | Petasites hybridus | River & canal sides. Freq. All divs. Radcliffe on Trent. (H&H) |
Arc | Bristly Oxtongue | Picris echioides | Roadsides, arable fields esp on clay. Local. All divs. Widely dist in div III, Common in div IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Hawkweed Oxtongue | Picris hieracioides | Banks & rough grassland on basic soils. Local. Divs I, III & IV. Rather freq in divs III & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Fox and Cubs | Pilosella aurantiaca subsp. carpathicola | Not common. Recorded at Wilwell Cutting in 2011. (NP) |
Neo | Pilosella flagellaris subsp. flagellaris | ||
Nat | Mouse-ear Hawkweed | Pilosella officinarum | Banks & grassland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Pilosella praealta subsp. praealta | ||
Nat | Common Fleabane | Pulicaria dysenterica | Damp meadows & roadsides. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Black-eyed Susan | Rudbeckia hirta | |
Cas | Coneflower | Rudbeckia laciniata | |
Neo | Lavendar-cotton | Santolina chamaecyparissus | |
Nat | Marsh Ragwort | Senecio aquaticus | Damp meadows. Freq except in div IV. All divs. Kinoulton; Rempstone. (H&H) |
Nat | Hoary Ragwort | Senecio erucifolius | Meadows & grassy places on basic soils. Freq except in div II. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Common Ragwort | Senecio jacobaea | Meadows, waste places, Heathland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Oxford Ragwort | Senecio squalidus | Waste places, roads & rails sides. pit dumps, etc. Now in almost every parish in the county. All divs. (First record 1940) (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Heath Groundsel | Senecio sylvaticus | Heaths & sandy woods. V common in div II and freq on the coal measures in div I and the light drift soils & gravels in divs III & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Sticky Groundsel | Senecio viscosus | Railway sidings, waste ground. Common except in div IV. All divs. Rly lines at Normanton on Soar and Stanton on the Wolds. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Groundsel | Senecio vulgaris | Arable land, gardens etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Senecio x baxteri | ||
Nat | Senecio x ostenfeldii | ||
Nat | Senecio x subnebrodensis | ||
Nat | Saw-wort | Serratula tinctoria | Damp grassland on basic soils. Local. All divs. Plumtree; Clipstone Wolds; Stanton on the Wolds; Widmerpool; Upper broughton; West & East leake; Normanton on the Wolds. (H&H) |
Arc | Milk Thistle | Silybum marianum | Waste places & borders of fields. V rare now. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Canadian Goldenrod | Solidago canadensis | Common on rubbish dumps & near camps & houses. Often persisting. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Early Goldenrod | Solidago gigantea subsp. serotina | |
Nat | Goldenrod | Solidago virgaurea | Banks & woods on sand. V rare. Divs II, (III) & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Corn Sow-thistle | Sonchus arvensis | Arable fields, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Rough Sow-thistle | Sonchus asper | Cultivated & waste ground. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Smooth Sow-thistle | Sonchus oleraceus | Cultivated & waste ground. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | French Marigold | Tagetes patula | |
Arc | Feverfew | Tanacetum parthenium | Commonly naturalised on old walls & near houses. Common on rubbish dumps. All divs (H&H) |
Nat | Tansy | Tanacetum vulgare | Roadsides, around villages, waste places. Common, esp in the Trent Valley. Rare in Div IV. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum ancistrolobum | |
Neo | A Dandelion | Taraxacum aurosulum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum brachyglossum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum cordatum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum croceiflorum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum duplidentifrons | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum euryphyllum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum expallidiforme | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum fulviforme | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum fulvum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum hamatum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum insigne | |
Neo | A Dandelion | Taraxacum lacerifolium | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum lingulatum | |
Neo | A Dandelion | Taraxacum macrolobum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum maculosum | |
Nat | Dandelion | Taraxacum officinale | Roadsides, grassland, waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). H&H list two (of the 240 or so) microspecies, neither of which correspond to the modern BSBI list for VC56. (NP). Common (DW) |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum oxoniense | |
Neo | A Dandelion | Taraxacum pannucium | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum polyodon | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum pseudohamatum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum sagittipotens | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum scoticum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum stenacrum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum subbracteatum | |
Neo | A Dandelion | Taraxacum subexpallidum | |
Nat | A Dandelion | Taraxacum subundulatum | |
Cas | Pasture Goatsbeard | Tragopogon hybridus | |
Cas | Salsify | Tragopogon porrifolius | |
Nat | Goatsbeard | Tragopogon pratensis subsp. minor | Meadows & roadsides. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Arc | Scentless mayweed | Tripleurospermum inodorum | Arable fields & waste places. Common. All divs.(H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Coltsfoot | Tussilago farfara | Roadsides & waste places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Butomaceae - Flowering Rush Family | |||
Nat | Flowering Rush | Butomus umbellatus | Ponds, canals & river sides. Locally common. All divs. Common on Grantham Canal (H&H) |
Alismataceae - Water-plantain Family | |||
Nat | Narrow-leaved Water-plantain | Alisma lanceolatum | Fen drains. Rare or overlooked. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Water-plantain | Alisma plantago-aquatica | Ponds, rivers & all waters. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Lesser Water-plantain | Baldellia ranunculoides | Drains & pools on peat & limestone. Local, All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Arrow-head | Sagittaria sagittifolia | Slow rivers & drains, still waters. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Hydrocharitaceae - Frogbit Family | |||
Neo | Canadian Waterweed | Elodea canadensis | Rivers, canals, drains & ponds. V common. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Nuttall's Waterweed | Elodea nuttallii | |
Cas | Frogbit | Hydrocharis morsus-ranae | Ditches & pools. Uncommon. Divs II & III. (H&H). Rare in Notts and known only from Skylarks NR and Holme Pit. (NRPR) |
Neo | Curly Waterwed | Lagarosiphon major | |
Neo | Water Soldier | Stratiotes aloides | Still waters. Extinct. Divs I & III. (H&H). Found as an introduction in the Grantham Canal at Owthorpe and at Thorpe in the Glebe. (NRPR) |
Juncaginaceae - Arrow-grass Family | |||
Nat | Marsh Arrow-grass | Triglochin palustre | Swampy meadows. Freq exc in div IV. (H&H). Declining countywide and always poorly represented in Rushcliffe, Found at Kinoulton Marsh but lost recently from Rempstone. (NRPR) |
Potamogetonaceae - Pondweed Family | |||
Nat | Opposite-leaved Pondweed | Groenlandia densa | A couple of records from around Wysall dating from 1970-1990s. (NRPR) |
Nat | Small Pondweed | Potamogeton berchtoldii | Drains, gravel pits, slow streams with acid waters. Freq in div II, less so elsewhere. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). Uncommon in Notts, Found along the Grantham Canl between Kinoulton and Hickling and at Rempstone Old Churchyard. (NRPR) |
Nat | Fen Pondweed | Potamogeton coloratus | Nationally scarce. Recorded at Ruddington Moor. (NRPR) |
Grass-wrack Pondweed | Potamogeton compressus | Nationally endangered and locally rare. Formerly widespread with records from the Grantham Canal. No recent records. (NRPR). Not on post 1970 BSBI VC Census Catalogue. (NP) | |
Nat | Curled Pondweed | Potamogeton crispus | Rivers, canals, still waters. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Flat-stalked Pondweed | Potamogeton friesii | Canals & pools. Rather freq. All divs. (H&H). Rare in Notts and probably extinct in Rushcliffe. Records from the Grantham Canal in the 1970's but not found on recent searches. (NRPR) |
Nat | Various-leaved Pondweed | Potamogeton gramineus | Ponds & drains. Rare. Now confined to the Carrs. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Shining Pondweed | Potamogeton lucens | Rare in Notts. Formerly in ponds at Radcliffe on Trent, now found only in the R. Smite at Colston Bassett and the R. Soar at Ratcliffe on Soar. (NRPR) |
Nat | Broad-leaved Pondweed | Potamogeton natans | Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Blunt-leaved Pondweed | Potamogeton obtusifolius | |
Nat | Fennel Pondweed | Potamogeton pectinatus | Rivers, canals & still waters. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Perfoliate Pondweed | Potamogeton perfoliatus | Rivers, drains, ponds etc. V common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Bog Pondweed | Potamogeton polygonifolius | |
Nat | Lesser Pondweed | Potamogeton pusillus | Drains, gravel pits, slow streams. Fairly common exc in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | P crispus x friesii | Potamogeton x lintonii | Drains & canals. Uncommon. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Zannichelliaceae - Horned Pondweed Family | |||
Nat | Horned Pondweed | Zannichellia palustris | Stream, ponds, canals etc. Common esp in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Araceae - Arum Family | |||
Neo | Sweet Flag | Acorus calamus | Rivers, canals, lakes. Locally freq. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Lords-and Ladies | Arum maculatum | Woods & hedge sides on strong land. Common exc in div II where is is confined to woods on the fen peats and on the border with div I. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Lemnaceae - Duckweed Family | |||
Nat | Fat Duckweed | Lemna gibba | Ponds, canals & drains, rather tolerant of pollution. Locally common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Lesser Duckweed | Lemna minor | Ponds & standing waters, V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Least Duckweed | Lemna minuta | Keyworth Meadow (NP) |
Nat | Ivy-leaved Duckweed | Lemna trisulca | Ponds, canals, drains etc. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Greater Duckweed | Spirodela polyrhiza | Uncommon and mainly restricted to the Trent and Soar floodplains but a record at Bunny Park. (NRPR) |
Commelinaceae - Spiderwort Family | |||
Cas | Virginia Spiderwort | Tradescantia virginiana | |
Juncaceae - Rush Family | |||
Nat | Sharp-flowered Rush | Juncus acutiflorus | Damp places on acid soils. Not common. All divs. West Leake. (H&H) |
Nat | Jointed Rush | Juncus articulatus | Marshes, streamsides, damp meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Toad Rush | Juncus bufonius | Damp arable land & bare ground on light soils. V common esp in div II. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Bulbous Rush | Juncus bulbosus | Boggy meadows & drain sides. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Round-fruited Rush | Juncus compressus | Damp grassy places, often colonising bare ground by gravel pits. Prob increasing. All divs. (H&H). Uncommon with scattered records mainly in the Trent Valley. (NRPR) |
Nat | Compact Rush | Juncus conglomeratus | Damp heaths, acid pastures & woods. Common in div II & on the coal measures& freq on drift soils & acid pockets in divs III & IV. All divs (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Soft Rush | Juncus effusus | Damp meadows, stream & drain sides. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Hard Rush | Juncus inflexus | Damp places esp on basic soils. Locally v common, less so in div II. The dominant rush of div IV. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Heath Rush | Juncus squarrosus | Damp heaths & heathy woods. Local. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Blunt-flowered Rush | Juncus subnodulosus | Damp places esp on peat. Locally freq. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Cas | Slender Rush | Juncus tenuis | Div II. One record (Bramcote) (H&H) |
Nat | Field Wood-rush | Luzula campestris | Meadows, lawns etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Heath Wood-rush | Luzula multiflora subsp. congesta | Heaths & woods, esp on light soils. Locally freq. All divs (H&H) |
Nat | Heath Wood-rush | Luzula multiflora subsp. multiflora | Heaths & woods, esp on light soils. Locally freq. All divs. Appears to be more common than subsp congesta. (H&H) |
Nat | Hairy Wood-rush | Luzula pilosa | Woodland rides. Common esp on lighter soils. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Great Wood-rush | Luzula sylvatica | Damp woods. Rare (and a shy flowerer). Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Cyperaceae - Sedge Family | |||
Nat | Bolboschoenus maritimus | ||
Nat | Slender Tufted Sedge | Carex acuta | Beside waters & ponds. Freq except in div IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Lesser Pond Sedge | Carex acutiformis | Lakes, canals. Marshes etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Sand Sedge | Carex arenaria | Only on the blown sand where it is often dominant. Div III. (H&H) Near Papplewick. |
Nat | Green-ribbed Sedge | Carex binervis | Acid heaths. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Spring Sedge | Carex caryophyllea | Grassy banks. Locally freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | White Sedge | Carex curta | Bogs. V rare. Div II. (H&H) |
Nat | Dioecious Sedge | Carex dioica | Bogs. V rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Distant Sedge | Carex distans | Damp base-rich meadows. V rare. Div I only. (H&H). Scarce in Notts. Recorded at Car Colston, Ruddington Moor and East Leake. (NRPR) |
Nat | Brown Sedge | Carex disticha | Marshes. Freq, except in div IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Grey Sedge | Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa | Woods. V rare. Divs (II), III. (H&H) |
Nat | Star Sedge | Carex echinata | Marshy meadows. Formerly v common. Now very rare. Absent from Div IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Tufted Sedge | Carex elata | Beside waters on light soils. Infrequent. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Glaucous Sedge | Carex flacca | Grassland, esp on clay & limestone. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Hairy Sedge | Carex hirta | Waste ground, grassland & marshes. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Tawny Sedge | Carex hostiana | Base-rich grassland. V rare. Div I only. (H&H) |
Nat | Long-stalked Yellow Sedge | Carex lepidocarpa (= C. viridula subsp. brachyrhyncha) | By base-rich streams & marshes, Rare. Divs I & IV. Rempstone Old Church Yard. (H&H) Uncommon; found at Rempstone Old Churchyard, Wilwell Cutting and Wilford Claypit. (NRPR) |
Nat | Common Prickly Sedge | Carex muricata subsp. lamprocarpa (prairei) | = Carex prairei F. Schultz ? Dry sandy grassland. Uncommon. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Common Sedge | Carex nigra | Bogs & damp meadows. Common, but absent from Div IV. (H&H) |
Nat | False Fox Sedge | Carex otrubae | In damp places & by waters. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Oval Sedge | Carex ovalis | Damp meadows. Common except in Div IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Pale Sedge | Carex pallescens | Woodland rides & grassy places. Formerly freq, now rather rare. Divs I, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Carnation Sedge | Carex panicea | Damp meadows & marshes. Common. All divs (H&H) |
Nat | Greater Tussock Sedge | Carex paniculata | Black bogs & by canals. Local. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Pendulous Sedge | Carex pendula | Woods & dumbles. Locally common. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Pill Sedge | Carex pilulifera | Dry heaths & woods, Common in div II, less so elsewhere. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Hop Sedge | Carex pseudocyperus | In marshes & by pools. Uncommon. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Flea Sedge | Carex pulicaris | Damp meadows. Formerly freq, now rare. Absent from div IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Remote Sedge | Carex remota | Damp woods. Common, but restricted to the sands in div IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Greater Pond Sedge | Carex riparia | Lakes, canals, marshes etc. V common, but absent from IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Bottle Sedge | Carex rostrata | Marshes & pools. Not v common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Spiked Sedge | Carex spicata | Hedges & grassy places on light land. Freq but absent from Div IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Thin-spiked Wood Sedge | Carex strigosa | Damp strong woodland, often growing partly in water. Rare. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Wood Sedge | Carex sylvatica | Damp strong woodland. Common, but absent from div II. Divs I, III & IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Bladder Sedge | Carex vesicaria | Damp places. Uncommon. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). Scarce in Notts. Recorded at Holme Pierrepont and Holme Pit (Clifton). (NRPR) |
Nat | Common Yellow Sedge | Carex demissa ( = C. viridula subsp. oedocarpa) | Damp grassland. Fairly common. Confined to lighter soils in div IV. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Great Fen Sedge | Cladium mariscus | V rare. Div III. One record (Misterton Soss). (H&H) |
Neo | Galingale | Cyperus longus | Recorded from near Thrumpton and at a couple of other locations in Notts. |
Neo | Pale Galingale | Cyperus eragrostis | Recorded from Holme Pierrepont and at a couple of other locations in Notts. |
Nat | Needle Spike-rush | Eleocharis acicularis | Muddy verges of still waters. Rather rare. All divs. Grantham Canal. (H&H) |
Nat | Common Spike-rush | Eleocharis palustris | Marshes & damp meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Few-flowered Spike-rush | Eleocharis quinqueflora | Peaty places with base-rich waters.. V rare. Divs I & IV. Rempstone Old Churchyard. (H&H) |
Nat | Floating Club-rush | Eleogiton fluitans | - |
Nat | Common Cotton-grass | Eriophorum angustifolium | Peaty bogs. Now rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Harestail Cotton-grass | Eriophorum vaginatum | Peat bogs. V rare now. Div II (H&H) |
Nat | Bristle Club-rush | Isolepis setacea | Damp, sandy places. Freq except in div IV. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Common Club-rush | Schoenoplectus lacustris | Rivers, canals, ponds etc. V common but absent from div IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Grey Club-rush | Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | Drains, ponds etc. Locally freq in the lower Trent & Idle valleys. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Black Bog-rush | Schoenus nigricans | Base-rich peat bogs. V rare. Divs I, II & III, (H&H) |
Nat | Wood Club-rush | Scirpus sylvaticus | Damp shady places. Freq in the west, decreasing eastwards. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Poaceae - Grass Family | |||
Nat | Velvet Bent | Agrostis canina | Dry sandy grassland. Dist imperfectly known. (H&H) (Infertile, acidic, peaty soils in mires, wet heath, fens and fen-meadows.) |
Nat | Common Bent | Agrostis capillaris | Common (DW) |
Neo | Highland Bent | Agrostis castellana | (Roadsides, amenity grassland, temporary leys and cultivated land) |
Arc | Black Bent | Agrostis gigantea | Arable fields. Dist imperfectly known (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Rough Bent | Agrostis scabra | (Rough ground, rubbish tips, waste places, and by roads and railways.) |
Nat | Creeping Bent | Agrostis stolonifera | Damp grassland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Brown Bent | Agrostis vinealis | (Dry or free-draining, acidic, sandy or peaty soils on heaths etc.) |
Nat | Agrostis x murbeckii | A hybrid of capillaris x stolonifera known from Holme Pierrepont. (NRPR) | |
Nat | Silver Hair-grass | Aira caryophyllea | Sandy fields & commons. Well-drained banks & path sides. More widespread than A. praecox, but less abundant. (H&H) |
Nat | Early Hair-grass | Aira praecox | Sandy fields & commons. Locally common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Marsh Foxtail | Alopecurus geniculatus | Marshy meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Arc | Black Grass | Alopecurus myosuroides | Cornfields on heavy clay. Locally common. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Meadow Foxtail | Alopecurus pratensis | Meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Great Brome | Anisantha diandra | |
Cas | Stiff Brome | Anisantha rigida | |
Arc | Barren Brome | Anisantha sterilis | Roadsides & waste ground. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Sweet Vernal Grass | Anthoxanthum odoratum | Meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Dense Silky Bent | Apera interrupta | Arable land. V rare. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Cas | Loose Silky Bent | Apera spica-venti | Sandy cornfields. Locally common esp on the edge of the Carrs. (H&H) |
Nat | False Oat-grass | Arrhenatherum elatius | Most grassy places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Arc | Wild Oat | Avena fatua | Cornfields on heavy soils. V common in divs III & IV, scarce in I & II. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Cultivated Oat | Avena sativa | |
Nat | Drooping Tor Grass | Brachypodium pinnatum agg. | Banks & pastures on basic soils. Freq except in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | False Brome | Brachypodium sylvaticum | Strong woodland & shady places. Common, often dominant in woodland in div I. All divs (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Briza maxima | ||
Nat | Quaking Grass | Briza media | Meadows on good soils. Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Upright Brome | Bromopsis erecta | Grassland on calcareous soil.Widespread in rough ground in divs I, III & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Bromopsis inermis subsp. inermis | ||
Nat | Hairy Brome | Bromopsis ramosa | Woods on strong land. Common except in div II. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Meadow Brome | Bromus commutatus | Meadows. Dist imperfectly known. Divs III. (H&H) |
Nat | Soft Brome | Bromus hordeaceus subsp. hordeaceus | Grassland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Soft Brome | Bromus hordeaceus subsp. longipedicellatus | Grassland. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Bromus japonicus | ||
Neo | Slender Brome | Bromus lepidus | Roadsides, edges of fields etc. Widespread & frq but never in quantity. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Smooth Brome | Bromus racemosus | Meadows. Dist imperfectly known. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Bromus x pseudothominei | ||
Nat | Purple Small-reed | Calamagrostis canescens | Fen pastures & moist sandy woods. Local. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Wood Small-reed | Calamagrostis epigejos | Damp woods. Uncommon exc in div III. (H&H) |
Nat | Whorl Grass | Catabrosa aquatica | Stream & canal sides. Widespread. All divs. (H&H). Declining in Notts; In Rushcliffe found only at Shelford. (NRPR) |
Nat | Fern Grass | Catapodium rigidum | Dry, bare places, mostly on calcareous soils. Fairly freq except in II. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | California Brome | Ceratochloa carinata | |
Cas | Rescue Grass | Ceratochloa cathartica | |
Cas | Pampas Grass | Cortaderia selloana | |
Nat | Crested Dogstail | Cynosurus cristatus | Meadows, road & path sides etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Cocksfoot | Dactylis glomerata | Meadows, roadsides etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Heath Grass | Danthonia decumbens | Heaths & poor pastures. Uncommon except in div II. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Tufted Hair-grass | Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. cespitosa | Damp meadows & woods. V common. All divs. (H&H) Not to subsp. (NP). Common (DW) |
Nat | Tufted Hair-grass | Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. parviflora | Damp meadows & woods. V common. All divs. (H&H) Not to subsp. (NP). Common (DW) |
Nat | Wavy Hair-grass | Deschampsia flexuosa | Fields & heaths on sand. Locally abundant. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Hairy Finger-grass | Digitaria sanguinalis | |
Cas | Echinochloa colona | ||
Cas | Cockspur | Echinochloa crus-galli | Carrot fields on the blown sand & gravels. Uncommon. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H) |
Cas | Echinochloa esculenta | ||
Cas | Echinochloa frumentacea | ||
Nat | Bearded Couch | Elymus caninus | Woods & shady places on strong land. Freq except in div II. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Common Couch | Elytrigia repens | Arable land, roadsides & waste places. A common weed. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Tall Fescue | Festuca arundinacea | Roadsides, damp rough grassland, & disturbed ground. Common except in div II. All divs. Common (DW) |
Neo | Hard Fescue | Festuca brevipila | |
Nat | Fine-leaved Sheep's Fescue | Festuca filiformis | Dry heaths & meadows. Locally plentiful. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Giant Fescue | Festuca gigantea | Woods on strong soil. Common in I & III, less so in II & IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | Festuca heterophylla | ||
Nat | A Sheep's Fescue | Festuca lemanii | |
Nat | Sheep's Fescue | Festuca ovina subsp. hirtula | Meadows & banks on well drained soils, both limestone & sand & gravel. Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Meadow Fescue | Festuca pratensis | Fertile meadows & roadsides. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Red Fescue | Festuca rubra subsp. commutata | Meadows on moist soils, roadsides etc. Common. All divs. (H&H) Not to subsp. (NP). Common (DW) |
Neo | Red Fescue | Festuca rubra subsp. megastachys | Meadows on moist soils, roadsides etc. Common. All divs. (H&H) Not to subsp. (NP). Common (DW) |
Nat | Red Fescue | Festuca rubra subsp. rubra | Meadows on moist soils, roadsides etc. Common. All divs. (H&H) Not to subsp. (NP). Common (DW) |
Nat | Small Sweet-grass | Glyceria declinata | Marshy meadows. Divs I & II. (H&H) |
Nat | Floating Sweet-grass | Glyceria fluitans | Marshy meadows. Probably common. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Reed Sweet-grass | Glyceria maxima | Wet meadows, river & canal sides etc. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Plicate Sweet-grass | Glyceria notata | Marshy meadows. Perhaps common. (H&H) |
Nat | G. fluitans x plicata | Glyceria x pedicellata | One record (Wollaton). (H&H) |
Nat | Meadow Oat-grass | Helictotrichon pratense | Calcareous meadows. Rare. No recent records. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Downy Oat-grass | Helictotrichon pubescens | Roadsides & rough grassland/ Common. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Yorkshire Fog | Holcus lanatus | Poor pastures & waste ground. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Creeping Soft-grass | Holcus mollis | Sandy woods & pastures. Locally abundant, often dominant. All divs (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Wood Barley | Hordelymus europaeus | Limestone woodland. V rare. Div I. (H&H) |
Cas | Two-rowed Barley | Hordeum distichon | |
Neo | Foxtail Barley | Hordeum jubatum | Div I. Shireoaks. (H&H) |
Arc | Wall Barley | Hordeum murinum subsp. murinum | Roadsides & waste places, Common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Meadow Barley | Hordeum secalinum | Meadows on moist soils. Widespread though never in great quantity, rare in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | A barley | Hordeum vulgare | |
Nat | Koeleria macrantha | ||
Neo | Italian Ryegrass | Lolium multiflorum | Commonly sown with seed mixtures.& persisting for some years in meadows & around farm yards. All divs (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Perennial Ryegrass | Lolium perenne | Meadows, roadsides & grassy places. V common. All divs (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Wood Melick | Melica uniflora | Woodland. Locally freq. Divs I, II & III. Div III; in most woods & some hedges. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Wood Millet | Milium effusum | Damp woodland. Locally common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Purple Moor-grass | Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea | |
Nat | Mat Grass | Nardus stricta | Dry sandy heaths. Locally common. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | Witchgrass | Panicum capillare | |
Cas | Common Millet | Panicum miliaceum | Rubbish dumps. On all dumps. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Bulbous Canary-grass | Phalaris aquatica | |
Nat | Reed Canary-grass | Phalaris arundinacea | River sides & marshes. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Canary Grass | Phalaris canariensis | Dumps & waste ground. Freq. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Smaller Catstail | Phleum bertolonii | Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Timothy | Phleum pratense | Meadows, roadsides etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Common Reed | Phragmites australis | River, pond & canal sides, willow holts, marshes. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Narrow-leaved Meadow-grass | Poa angustifolia | Dist incompletely known. Div I (H&H) |
Nat | Annual Meadow-grass | Poa annua | Fields & disturbed ground. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Flattened Meadow-grass | Poa compressa | Walls & dry places esp on limestone. Uncommon except in Div I. Divs I, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Spreading Meadow-grass | Poa humilis | Dry meadows & banks. Dist incompletely known. Divs II & III. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Wood Meadow-grass | Poa nemoralis | Woods. Freq except in div IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Smooth Meadow-grass | Poa pratensis | Meadows, roadsides & all grassy places. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Rough Meadow-grass | Poa trivialis | Damp woods & meadows. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Neo | Annual Beard-grass | Polypogon monspeliensis | |
Neo | Arrow Bamboo | Pseudosasa japonica | |
Neo | Reflexed Saltmarsh Grass | Puccinellia distans subsp. distans | Bare damp ground. Very restricted in range, though often occuring plentifully. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Rye | Secale cereale | |
Cas | Italian Millet | Setaria italica | Rubbish dumps. On all dumps. All divs. (H&H) |
Cas | Yellow Bristle-grass | Setaria pumila | |
Cas | Setaria viridis | Rubbish dumps & among carrots. Freq. All divs (H&H) | |
Neo | Great Millet | Sorghum halepense | |
Nat | Yellow Oat-grass | Trisetum flavescens subsp. flavescens | Meadows & roadsides. Widespread. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Cas | Bread Wheat | Triticum aestivum | |
Cas | Rivet Wheat | Triticum turgidum | |
Nat | Squirrel-tail Fescue | Vulpia bromoides | Sandy heaths, dry banks & waste places. Common esp in div II. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Arc | Rat's-tail Fescue | Vulpia myuros | Waste places. Rare. Divs II, III & IV. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Hybrid Fescue | X Festulolium loliaceum | |
Cas | Maize | Zea mays | |
Sparganiaceae - Bur-reed Family | |||
Nat | Unbranched Bur-reed | Sparganium emersum | Slow rivers & drains, canals. Common but less so than S erectum. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Branched Bur-reed | Sparganium erectum subsp. microcarpum | Rivers, ponds, canals etc. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Typhaceae - Bulrush Family | |||
Nat | Lesser Bulrush | Typha angustifolia | Drains & standing waters. Less common that latifolia. Owthorpe. (H&H) |
Nat | Bulrush | Typha latifolia | Canals, gravel pits, ponds. V common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Nat | Hybrid Cattail | Typha x glauca | A hybrid of latifolia and angustifolia. Recorded on the Grantham Canal in West Bridgford and Cotgrave. (NRPR) |
Liliaceae - Lily Family | |||
Neo | Keeled Garlic | Allium carinatum | Roadsides & grassy places, Rare. Divs I & IV. (H&H) |
Cas | Onion | Allium cepa | (A relic of cultivation or a throw-out on rubbish tips, waysides and waste ground.) |
Nat | Field Garlic | Allium oleraceum | Road & path sides, grassy places. Uncommon. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Few-flowered Garlic | Allium paradoxum | Naturalised in derelict ornamental grounds nr Ollerton. Div II. (H&H) |
Cas | Rosy Garlic | Allium roseum | (Rough places and waste ground, open rocky slopes, hedge banks and roadsides.) Rare (NP) |
Cas | Chives | Allium schoenoprasum | (Roadsides and rubbish tips.) |
Nat | Sand Leek | Allium scorodoprasum | Sandy places. V rare Div III. One record (Barnby Moor). (H&H) |
Neo | Three-cornered Garlic | Allium triquetrum | (Roadsides, in hedge banks, on field margins and in rough and waste ground.) |
Nat | Ramsoms | Allium ursinum | Damp woods. Locally common. Divs I, II & III. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Nat | Wild Onion | Allium vineale | Roadsides, meadows & open woodland. Locally common. Div I, II & III. (H&H) |
Arc | Garden Asparagus | Asparagus officinalis | Freq found as an escape in hedge bottoms & waste places. (H&H) |
Neo | Glory of the Snow | Chionodoxa forbesii | |
Neo | Glory of the Snow | Chionodoxa sardensis | |
Nat | Meadow Saffron | Colchicum autumnale | Meadows. Uncommon & decreasing. Divs I, II & III. East Stoke. (H&H) |
Nat | Lily of the Valley | Convallaria majalis | Woods esp on sand. Rare. All divs (H&H). Scarce as a native in Notts - any Lily-of-the-valley in Rushcliffe is likely to be an introduction. (NRPR) |
Cas | Fritillary | Fritillaria meleagris | |
Nat | Yellow Star of Bethlehem | Gagea lutea | Woods. V rare. Divs I & III. Flintham Wood & Trent Hills, Flintham. (H&H). Flintham Wood is the only Rushcliffe location of this long established, scarce naturalised species. (NRPR) |
Neo | Greater Snowdrop | Galanthus elwesii | |
Neo | Snowdrop | Galanthus nivalis | Widely naturalised in woods nr houses & on large estates. All divs. (H&H) |
Neo | Spanish Bluebell | Hyacinthoides hispanica | Freq naturalised in ornamental woodland and a virulent garden weed.. (H&H) |
Nat | Bluebell | Hyacinthoides non-scripta | Woods, esp on light soils, V common. All divs. (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Neo | A bluebell | Hyacinthoides x massartiana | |
Cas | Greater Red-hot Poker | Kniphofia praecox | |
Cas | Common Red-hot Poker | Kniphofia uvaria | |
Neo | Summer Snowflake | Leucojum aestivum | |
Neo | Turkscap Lily | Lilium martagon | |
Neo | Garden Grape-hyacinth | Muscari armeniacum | |
Neo | Grape Hyacinth | Muscari neglectum | |
Neo | Pheasant's Eye | Narcissus poeticus | |
Nat | Wild Daffodil | Narcissus pseudonarcissus subsp. pseudonarcissus | Woods & meadows. Rare. Div (II), III. (H&H). Uncommon in Notts and the only site in Rushcliffe considered to host truly native daffodil is the Green Line in West Bridgford. Other places have wild-type daffodils that appear to have been planted or introduced and many garden cultivars are widely planted or introduced in verges etc. (NRPR) |
Neo | Narcissus x incomparabilis | ||
Cas | Narcissus x medioluteus | ||
Neo | Star-of-Bethlehem | Ornithogalum angustifolium | H&H refer to O. umbellatum - Garden Star of Bethlehem: Fields & roadsides, esp on light soils. Rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Drooping Star-of-Bethlehem | Ornithogalum nutans | Grassy places. V rare. Divs III & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Spiked Star-of-Bethlehem | Ornithogalum pyrenaicum | |
Nat | Herb Paris | Paris quadrifolia | Moist woods on clay & limestone. Rather rare, Divs I & II. (H&H) |
Nat | Solomon's-seal | Polygonatum multiflorum | Limestone woods. V rare. Divs I, II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Garden Solomon's-seal | Polygonatum x hybridum | |
Neo | Butcher's Broom | Ruscus aculeatus | Sometimes planted in woods. Rare. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Neo | Siberian Squill | Scilla siberica | |
Cas | Garden Tulip | Tulipa gesneriana | |
Neo | Wild Tulip | Tulipa sylvestris | Woods & meadows. Uncommon. (Seldom flowers). Div III. (H&H) |
Iridaceae - Iris Family | |||
Neo | Aunt Eliza's Montbretia | Crocosmia paniculata | |
Neo | Montbretia | Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora | Freq on dumps & occ established in damp places. Divs III & IV. (H&H) |
Neo | Autumn Crocus | Crocus nudiflorus | Formerly naturalised over large areas of Nottingham, Dunkirk & Wilford Meadows. Occasional plants still occur (H&H). Formerly more widely naturalised. Now known from Holme Pierrepont, Skylarks reserve and Wilford Churchyard. (NRPR) |
Cas | Early Crocus | Crocus tommasinianus | |
Neo | Spring Crocus | Crocus vernus | Formerly abundant with C nudiflorus but now even more rare. (H&H) |
Neo | Dutch Crocus | Crocus x stellaris | |
Neo | Stinking Iris | Iris foetidissima | Limestone woodland. V rare. Div I. One record (Dyscar Wood). (H&H) |
Neo | Bearded Iris | Iris germanica | Freq on rubbish dumps & naturalised at Bilsthorpe Gravel Pits. Div III. (H&H) |
Nat | Yellow Iris | Iris pseudacorus | Marshes, pools & river sides. Common. All divs. (H&H). Common (DW) |
Cas | Siberian Iris | Iris sibirica | |
Neo | Blue Flag | Iris versicolor | |
Cas | American Blue-eyed Grass | Sisyrinchium montanum | |
Cas | Pale Yellow-eyed Grass | Sisyrinchium striatum | |
Discoreaceae - Yam Family | |||
Nat | Black Bryony | Tamus communis | Hedges & woods. V common. All divs (H&H). Less Common (DW) |
Orchidaceae - Orchid Family | |||
Nat | Pyramidal Orchid | Anacamptis pyramidalis | Calcareous meadows. Formerly freq in divs I & III, becoming rare. Divs I, III & IV. (H&H). Holme Pierrepont. (NP) |
Nat | Frog Orchid | Coeloglossum viride | Calcareous meadows. V rare. Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Common Spotted Orchid | Dactylorhiza fuchsii | Damp meadows & woods. Common, less so in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Early Marsh Orchid | Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. incarnata | Bogs with basic waters. V rare. Div I. (H&H) |
Nat | Heath Spotted Orchid | Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. ericetorum | Very rare. Div IV. Stanton on the Wolds. (H&H). Rare in Notts. Now known only from Rushcliffe Golf Course at Gotham. (NRPR) |
Nat | Southern Marsh Orchid | Dactylorhiza praetermissa | Marshy meadows. The common marsh orchid of Notts, but becoming inc rare. Divs II & III. (H&H) |
Nat | A hybrid marsh orchid | Dactylorhiza x grandis | |
Nat | Broad-leaved Helleborine | Epipactis helleborine | Woods. Locally freq. Divs I, II & III. Freq in div III. (H&H) |
Nat | Marsh Helleborine | Epipactis palustris | Boggy meadows. V rare or extinct. Divs I, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Green-flowered Helleborine | Epipactis phyllanthes | |
Nat | Fragrant Orchid | Gymnadenia conopsea | Damp calcareous meadows. V rare. Divs I & III. (H&H). Recently lost from Holme Pierrepont and Rushcliffe GC but faring well at Wilford Claypit where the plants are actually Gymnadenia densiflora Marsh Fragrant-orchid (formerly a subspecies). (NRPR) |
Nat | Common Twayblade | Listera ovata | Woods, meadows. Common exc in div II. All divs. (H&H) |
Nat | Birdsnest Orchid | Neottia nidus-avis | Woods. V rare.Divs I & III. (H&H) |
Nat | Bee Orchid | Ophrys apifera | Calcareous pastures. Rare & decreasing. Divs I, III & IV. (H&H). Not Common. Holme Pierrepont and Ruddington CP also Wilford Claypits, Cotgrave CP, Wilwell. (NP) |
Nat | Fly Orchid | Ophrys insectifera | Fields & woods. Formerly freq in div I, now V rare. (H&H) |
Nat | Green-winged Orchid | Orchis (Anacamptis) morio | Meadows on basic soils. Formerly common, becoming rare. All divs, Bradmore; West Leake; Stanton on the Wolds; Colston Bassett; Hickling; Upper Broughton; Thorpe in the Glebe. (H&H). Wilwell Cutting is the only site. (NRPR). Has vanished from half its historical range nationally. (SR) |
Nat | Early Purple Orchid | Orchis mascula | Strong woodland. Locally common. Divs I, III & IV. (H&H) |
Nat | Greater Butterfly Orchid | Platanthera chlorantha | Strong woodland. Rare. Divs I & III. (H&H) |